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Old 06-23-2021, 07:14 AM
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Default Get vaccinated part 2

"Covid-19 vaccines are available for everyone ages 12 and up," US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at a White House briefing Tuesday. "They are nearly 100% effective against severe disease and death -- meaning nearly every death due to Covid-19 is particularly tragic, because nearly every death, especially among adults, due to Covid-19 is at this point entirely preventable."

And on herd immunity

As COVID-19 continues to spread through the United States, I have often heard people saying that "it just needs to run its course.” This, coupled with reports, disputed by some, of people attending so-called “COVID parties,” contribute to harmful misperceptions on the concept of herd immunity.

Herd immunity is achieved when large percentages of a population become immune to a disease and therefore indirectly protect those who do not have immunity. If, for example, four out of five of the people who are exposed to someone with an infectious disease are immune to it, the disease is much less likely to spread. However, the percentage of people who must be immune in order to achieve herd immunity varies based on multiple factors including the mode of transmission, and how easily and quickly a given disease spreads. In most cases, herd immunity is not achieved without an effective vaccine. For COVID-19, the percentage of the population that needs to be infected to achieve herd immunity is estimated to be between 70% and 90%, and this is assuming lasting immunity is possible.

Why We Need Vaccines & How Chickenpox is Different from COVID-19
Vaccines are typically required to achieve herd immunity. Childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, diphtheria, polio, chickenpox, etc., all reached herd immunity through this approach. We have seen measles outbreaks in communities who have lost herd immunity due to anti-vaccine movements.

Prior to vaccines those diseases had a level of herd immunity in adult populations, but outbreaks regularly occurred in children (hence "childhood illness") and the immunocompromised.

When I was a child, some parents would hold chickenpox parties to achieve immunity. While chicken pox (varicella virus) can cause severe disease, the rate of severe illness is much lower than with COVID-19. About 150 people die from chicken pox each year and the virus has also been linked to birth defects if pregnant women get infected. These statistics do not include shingles, which is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus later in life that may occur in adults with compromised immune systems. Luckily, shingles is normally caught and treated early, so it accounts for less than 100 deaths a year. Even with these low rates, the CDC recommends vaccination rather than natural infection.

Sars-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, presents more complicated issues. First, we are unsure how long immunity lasts. Based on other severe coronavirus infections, it probably lasts months to years, but not lifelong. Immunity may also be less protective in patients who had mild or asymptomatic disease. If immunity is not long lasting, or if people with mild infection do not develop immunity, herd immunity without a vaccine cannot be achieved. COVID-19 also has much higher rates of severe illness than many other viral infections with up to 15% of infected people hospitalized and mortality rates estimated at 0.5 to 1%. These rates are 10 times higher than seasonal influenza.

Achieving Herd Immunity
Assuming immunity is long lasting, to achieve herd immunity in the U.S. without a vaccine would likely require more than 230 million Americans become infected. Even if mortality rates are at the low end of the estimates, there would be more than a million deaths.

Mortality is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this disease. For every death, there are many more hospitalizations and ICU admissions. Patients who are not hospitalized can still have severe illness and be debilitated for weeks. Long term effects of COVID- 19 are just being defined but are likely to be significant in some infected patients. Add to this the risk of strokes and other clotting events in otherwise healthy patients as well as multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, and the idea of pursuing herd immunity through infection becomes painfully ill-conceived.

Those who believe “COVID-19 parties” are examples of how herd immunity can be achieved are misguidedly thinking that the virus just needs to run its course and it will be gone. One glaring problem with that idea is we don’t know that people are immune once they’ve been infected. Ironically, these may be the same people who oppose or down-play the need to wear masks or social distance. And wearing a mask and physical distancing actually follows the same mathematical concept as herd immunity. If we reduce the spread of the virus, we stop COVID-19 without sickness or death.

Until there is a vaccine, stay home, stay safe, wear a mask and save lives.

Last edited by JAFF; 06-23-2021 at 07:18 AM.
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Old 06-24-2021, 11:47 AM
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Default COVID-19’s global death toll this year has already surpassed 2020’s count

LOS ANGELES - Despite data indicating that the pandemic is improving in the U.S. and other parts of the world, the global death toll this year from the novel coronavirus has already eclipsed 2020’s.

As of June 20, more than 3.8 million people around the world have died from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

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Globally, approximately 1.8 million people were killed by the virus in 2020. So far this year, more than 1.9 million people have already lost their lives to the deadly disease as of June 20.

The grim milestone is a reminder that not only is the U.S. still in the throes of the ongoing pandemic but, despite vaccinations climbing and hospitalization rates, cases and deaths declining, the disease still remains a very real threat in much of the world.

Johns Hopkins reported on June 15 that more than 600,000 Americans died of COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic.

At this reported death toll, the United States has amassed the most deaths around the globe — far outpacing Brazil, whose 502,586 deaths are second-most in the world as of June 22.

At more than 33.4 million, the U.S. also leads the world in confirmed cases. India’s recent surge in cases has pushed the south-Asian nation much closer, with more than 29.3 million cases.

Even so, data indicates the status of the pandemic is improving. The U.S. reached 500,000 total deaths from COVID-19 in late February and needed nearly four months to accumulate another 100,000.

RELATED: US COVID-19 death toll reaches 600,000 as cases, vaccinations slow

During the winter surge, America tallied 100,000 deaths in just a month.

But despite the improvement in handling the pandemic in many developed countries, medical experts say the goal should be getting as many people vaccinated as possible — not just in the U.S., but around the world.

In an interview with FOX TV Stations on April 6, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases said "if we suppress it in the United States or in the developed world, that’s going to be great."

"Now, this brings up an important question: As long as you have virus replicating anywhere in the world, the chances of developing variants are considerable, which will ultimately come back and could perhaps negatively impact our own response. That’s one of the real prevailing arguments for why we need to make sure the whole world gets vaccinated – not just the people in the developed world," he added.

The U.S. has allotted to share 80 million COVID-19 vaccine doses abroad in the coming weeks.

RELATED: Biden shares plan to ship remaining 55M COVID-19 vaccines globally

Meanwhile, the push to vaccinate Americans is becoming even more important as states ease coronavirus restrictions amid the rise of the highly transmissible COVID-19 delta variant.

The so-called COVID-19 delta variant, which was first detected in India, now represents more than 20% of coronavirus infections in the U.S. in the last two weeks, or double what it was when the Centers for Disease Control last reported on the variant’s prevalence.

But Fauci has said indications are that the COVID-19 vaccines remain effective against the variant.

The variant is accounting for half of new infections in the regions that include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.

The U.S. government is stepping up efforts to get younger Americans vaccinated for COVID-19 as concerns grow about the spread of the delta variant that threatens to set the country back in the months ahead.

The push is underway as the delta variant, first identified in India, has come to represent more than 20% of coronavirus infections in the U.S. in the last two weeks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday. That's double what it was when the CDC last reported on the variant’s prevalence.

"The delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate COVID-19," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said at a White House briefing on the virus. "Good news: Our vaccines are effective against the delta variant."

He added: "We have the tools. So let’s use them, and crush the outbreak."

RELATED: 70% of Americans 30 and older get COVID-19 shot, White House says

The White House acknowledged Tuesday that President Joe Biden will fall short of reaching his goal of vaccinating 70% of all American adults with at least one shot by Independence Day. But it said he had reached that threshold for those aged 30 and older and expects to meet it for those age 27 or older by the July 4 holiday.
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Old 06-24-2021, 04:37 PM
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Guess it is time to get rid of Biden.
Keep your political crap out of a football forum! Nobody here gives a rat's a**
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Old 06-24-2021, 05:35 PM
JAFF JAFF is offline
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Originally Posted by Racehorse View Post
Guess it is time to get rid of Biden.
Biden is not the problem. The problem has been created by people who spread doubt about vaccines and masks.

Read this.
99% of Americans Dying of Covid-19 Were Not Fully Vaccinated
Of the 18,000 Americans who died of covid-19 in May, only 150 were fully vaccinated.

The covid-19 pandemic has receded substantially in the U.S., thanks in part to a successful vaccine campaign. But a new report from the Associated Press released Thursday highlights a clear divide in the country: Americans are still getting seriously sick and dying from the viral illness, but the vast majority of this harm is happening among the not fully vaccinated.

The AP analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on covid-related hospitalizations and deaths reported in May 2021. During that time, there were more than 850,000 documented hospitalizations, with only about 1,200 linked to people who were fully vaccinated (defined as being two weeks after the final scheduled dose). In other words, fully vaccinated people accounted for just about 0.1% of all hospitalizations last month. The death toll was similarly skewed. Around 18,000 deaths were reported in May, but only 150 (0.8%) involved fully vaccinated people.

The figures are based on somewhat incomplete information, since only 45 states regularly report so-called breakthrough infections of vaccinated people. So there may be some deaths and infections among the fully vaccinated that are going unnoticed.

That said, the data aligns with clinical trial results of the FDA-authorized covid-19 vaccines that showed remarkable protection from hospitalization and death; they also mirror the real-world data collected in other highly vaccinated countries. Earlier this week, during a White House briefing, CDC director Rochelle Walensky noted that “nearly every death, especially among adults, due to covid-19 is at this point entirely preventable” as she pointed to the widespread availability of vaccines for those ages 12 and up. As of June 24, 45.6% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, including 53.3% of those over 12.

California Launches Website to Help Residents Get Digital Vaccine Record,

Insists It’s Not a Passport

There have been concerns that the Delta variant of the virus, originally found in India earlier this year, may change the falling trajectory of the pandemic in highly vaccinated places like the U.S. Cases and hospitalizations have risen in the UK in the last few weeks as Delta has become the dominant strain. So far, however, UK hospitalizations and deaths are still at far lower levels than previous peaks. Other research has suggested that the mRNA vaccines most widely used in the U.S. should remain highly effective against Delta and that no variant discovered so far has proven to completely evade the immunity provided by vaccines.

In the U.S., it’s estimated that 20% of new cases are now from Delta, and experts have projected that it will become the dominant strain in a matter of weeks. It’s not certain whether Delta will lead to more cases or serious illness from covid-19 in the U.S. once it is firmly established. But it’s clear that Delta and covid-19 in general will be a far graver threat for the parts of the U.S. and the world where vaccination rates are still lagging.
You can get a FREE vaccine or get sick and rack up a big hospital bill, if it doesnt kill you. And the new variant, is more deadly and children may be more susceptible.
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Old 06-30-2021, 07:28 AM
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COVID-19 outbreak linked to teen church camp in central Illinois where few were vaccinated
Angie Leventis LourgosChicago Tribune (TNS)
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More than 50 teen campers and adult staff members caught COVID-19 during an outbreak at a central Illinois church summer camp earlier this month, and at least one person was hospitalized, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Although all campers and staff were eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, the state health department said only “a handful” of them had gotten inoculated against the virus, which has killed more than 600,000 in the United States.

The camp also didn’t require masks, according to the state health department.

“The camp was not checking vaccination status and masking was not required while indoors,” said a state health department news release. “All campers and staff went home and were asked to be tested and told to quarantine.”

While the state’s news release doesn’t name the camp, a Pike County Health Department statement warned about a recent COVID-19 outbreak of at least 50 confirmed cases at Crossing Camp in Rushville, a church camp located in Schuyler County.

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Public health officials urged “all individuals (adults and children) who visited the camp during that time period to get a PCR test for COVID-19, even if you have no symptoms,” according to the Pike County Health Department.

This is the second instance this month of possible community exposure to COVID-19 linked to the church affiliated with the camp, The Crossing, a “multi-campus, nondenominational church,” with locations in Illinois, Missouri and Iowa.

The downstate Adams County Health Department recently warned of possible community exposure to COVID-19 at a conference held June 18 and 19 at a church’s Quincy location, according to media reports; the health department required those in attendance to quarantine for 10 days after their last exposure.

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The church did not immediately return the Tribune’s requests for comment.

Also:Peoria County COVID-19 vaccine tracker: 43% of people fully vaccinated

Crossing Camp is billed on its website as “a powerful and life-changing event.”

The four-day camp was from June 13 to 17, for eighth graders and high school students, and featured “gifted speakers and worship leaders,” according to the website. The cost was $200.

A packing list on the site includes items such as a sleeping bag, sunscreen and a Bible, but does not mention bringing a mask.

On its registration page, the website also says another session scheduled for younger students has been postponed, citing the recent outbreak at the teen camp.

“Due to a recent outbreak of COVID-19 related to Student Camp June 13-17, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our 4th & 5th grade Crossing Camp,” the website said, adding that this session is rescheduled for August. “We were so looking forward to spending time with your campers this weekend, but we believe the best way to value and love our students, difference makers and staff is to delay camp until a safer time.”

Read t his:New COVID-19 cases plummet in Illinois. Here's how central Illinois counties rank

While Illinois reopened earlier this month following more than a year of strict pandemic protocols, public health officials have warned that those who are not vaccinated should still wear masks and social distance — particularly while indoors — to guard against contracting and spreading the virus.

Although the virus is far less prevalent than it was earlier in the pandemic, with a statewide positivity rate of less than 1% and more than 70% of Illinois adults having received at least one vaccine dose, public health officials have cautioned that those who are not vaccinated are at still at risk.

Of particular concern is the delta variant, a COVID-19 strain with 84 identified cases in Illinois, according to the state health department.

“As more transmissible and dangerous COVID-19 variants spread, including the delta variant, largely among people who have not been vaccinated, IDPH continues to encourage all residents 12 years and older to be vaccinated,” the state health department said in the news released.
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Old 07-02-2021, 10:49 AM
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What happens when you screw up vaccination roll out

SYDNEY — Facing outbreaks of the contagious delta variant and a floundering vaccination campaign, Australia moved Friday to further seal itself off from the world as its earlier success in tackling the coronavirus continued to unravel.
Officials agreed to halve the number of people permitted to enter the nation under an already strict border policy that bars entry to nearly everyone except returning citizens, residents and their immediate families, who must quarantine for two weeks in a hotel at their own expense.
Covid paradise Australia faces nationwide outbreak as ‘gilded cage’ is tested by delta variant
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who has come under fire for a slow vaccination rollout, said further restricting international arrivals was “a prudent action while we remain in this suppression phase of the virus.”
“The delta strain is more contagious and so we’re seeking to take precautionary steps to overall reduce the risk,” he told reporters in his first public appearance since he began quarantining at his official residence in Canberra two weeks ago after attending the Group of Seven summit in Britain.

Unlike many countries where the virus has long circulated in the community, Australia has pursued an aggressive suppression strategy of zero transmission, with low tolerance for even single-digit daily cases.

“To a sense we’re prisoners of our own success,” Morrison said.
Effective July 14, the number of international arrivals will be cut to about 3,000 a week, dimming repatriation hopes for some 34,000 Australians stranded overseas and many more who want to visit their loved ones but can’t get on a flight. The approach — which Morrison indicated would persist at least until year-end — has earned the country the tags “hermit kingdom” and “Fortress Australia.”
People trying to reach Australia now often need to pay sky-high fares — often business-class tickets — as the strict entry caps prevent airlines from flying at full capacity.
Australia deputy leader fined for not wearing a mask as delta outbreak triggers lockdown
“Australia has heavily restricted entry of its own citizens in a way that no other democratic nation has,” said Sophie McNeill, an Australian researcher with Human Rights Watch.
The clampdown comes as recent incidents, including several breaches of hotel quarantine, have led to the virus circulating in the community again after months of near-zero cases in most parts of the country. In recent days, millions of Australians have been plunged into lockdown just as vaccinated Americans are ditching masks and Europe is lifting bans on travelers.
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People line up for coronavirus vaccinations in Homebush, west of Sydney, on Thursday. Australia's vaccine rollout is far behind that of most global peers. (Jenny Evans/Getty Images)

Australians abroad expressed exasperation at the tighter entry caps.
Kumi Miranda, a dual citizen living in Sri Lanka, hasn’t seen her two sons, aged 22 and 25, who are studying in Melbourne, since December 2019.
“I cannot visit them due to the exorbitant airfares and hotel quarantine costs. Today’s decision is truly devastating for me,” said Miranda, who is fully vaccinated and said she is struggling to understand why home quarantine isn’t an option.
“We’re paying the price of a bungled-up vaccination plan. That is simply not fair. The rest of the world is opening up.”

Ron Thorp, 54, an Australian living in Britain, has been trying for months to get back to see his father, who has terminal cancer.
“He’s 81 years old. I don’t have a lot of time obviously. I can’t wait another 18 months. He can’t either,” Thorp said in a phone interview. “Even if we get a flight, there’s the small matter of being able to return. We’re not guaranteed that if we get into prison island we’ll be able to get out again.”

Many airlines have stopped flying to Australia because the border closures have made the routes unprofitable. Thorp was booked to fly with Thai Airways in December. The flight was canceled.
Only about 6 percent of Australia’s population is fully vaccinated, the lowest rate in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. One factor in the slow rollout is that Australian officials advised against using the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in anyone under 60 because of the remote risk of blood clots.
Sufficient supplies of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines to complete the rollout aren’t due to arrive until later in the year.
Johnson & Johnson says its coronavirus vaccine is effective against delta variant
The feeble vaccination campaign and return to lockdowns stands in contrast to Australia’s much-vaunted success earlier in the pandemic, when much of the country had gone months without restrictions, with people free to gather on beaches, in stadiums and in shopping malls, mask-free.

“We’ve squandered the head start we got in 2020. It has been a policy disaster,” Tim Soutphommasane, a political commentator and professor at the University of Sydney, wrote in the Guardian on Friday. “Australia can’t defeat the pandemic by jumping in and out of lockdown, or by sealing ourselves indefinitely from the rest of the world.”
Morrison on Friday outlined a pathway to switch from virus suppression to focusing on reducing the risk of serious illness, but that plan hinges on an as-yet undecided target on vaccinations
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