Thread: Out of Luck
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Old 09-17-2017, 09:49 AM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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I don't think the point was so much comparing their records as the ultimate outcomes of their careers due to being punching bags because their teams didn't focus on their protection and caused them to be beaten to death over time. Even in those 11-5 years Luck was getting smashed- a LOT. In some areas he can be said to have been beaten up more than David Carr. Let that sink in for a minute- this is Andrew Luck, the second coming, the one set to assume the throne of NFL Godliness- and this crap ass organization has allowed him to get hit more than David Fucking Carr! Look around at some of the trash we've pushed out there claiming to call themselves offensive linemen.

It's weird, there's this sort of collective amnesia- even when we were winning games a LOT of us would talk about how this was not sustainable that Luck was not going to last if he kept getting hit like he was. Here we are and that chicken has come to roost and everyone is like "why would he be upset about what has been going on?".

It's been basically a week since all that crap hit the media. What say Andrew Luck, Ballard, Irsay? Zero that's what... hey when is Andrew Luck going to practice? Oh that's right, they don't have a timetable for that right now...

There are three scenarios here, period:
1-They are tanking on purpose despite the claim you can't / don't do that in the NFL.
2-He has in fact had enough of this fucking circus and is forcing their hand trying to get out without tarnishing his rep by using the media to do it.
3-He is too injured to even fucking practice- and if that is the case 9 months after surgery, all the "he's gonna come back and be better than ever" ... seriously???
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