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Old 08-13-2020, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by IndyNorm View Post
Masks became politicized b/c the experts in the US (and by experts I mean Dr. Adams, Dr. Fauchi, etc.; not Trump) royally fucked up by initially telling us that masks wouldn't really help and in some cases (Dr. Adams) urged the population not to purchase them. Then a ~month into it they pulled a 180 and started telling everyone to wear them. There should have been enough data between Asian countries that handled the outbreak well (Japan, Taiwan) and European countries that didn't (Italy, France) for our experts to have known that wearing masks were a good idea.

With that being said, wearing a mask and keeping your distance from people outside your home are pretty easy asks (although I have yet to find a mask that doesn't fog up my glasses; fortunately I can get by pretty well without them), and we should all be following those recommendations/mandates until this is over with.
Fauci stated that the reason they didn't initially recommend masks was because an even higher public run on buying them would have made it a dire situation for medical professionals. So they did it to keep things under control until enough were produced that they could handle the surge in demand. People don't seem to understand that Fauci is not a policy maker. He doesn't do that. He is an advisor. He gives information and recommendations and then the administration makes decisions based on those. When we heard him at press conferences and such, it was him supporting and explaining the decision the administration made.

That's not what politicized the masks though. Trump politicized them. He made fun of people wearing them. He encouraged people to revolt against governors who were trying to get their residents to wear masks and take it seriously. He said the virus would "go away" and that we would be at zero cases soon. His ridiculously poor leadership was what caused the politicization of masks and of the virus itself. He demonized medical experts and thought he knew more than they did. He found out otherwise and is now lying to try to cover up his ineptitude by trying to deflect it onto others. He is a con man.

Last edited by Maniac; 08-13-2020 at 06:05 PM.
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