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Old 09-10-2018, 12:14 PM
rm1369 rm1369 is offline
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Originally Posted by DrSpaceman View Post
At least we have a head coach that can do something besides stand there, clap and pat guys on the back after they make dumbass mistakes.

I'd rather Reich call the plays. Had very few problems with the choice of plays, except for a few where they went downfield on 3rd and short. Not sure if that was Reich or Luck though.

Manning early in his career through a lot of stupid INTs into coverage. He improved. Luck will too, I think. Especially if the running game improves so you don't have to go 3rd and long and if the D improves and not always playing to score 30 to win
I agree on Reich calling plays. They just need to figure out how to make sure Reich is also handling his head coaching duties. I think they will. Just something to pay attention to early on I think.

The running game and D was kind of my point about Luck. Everyone including him know that he has to make plays to win. There is sometimes a fine line between great throw and stupid throw, although I’m not suggesting that was the case Sunday. That looked stupid all the way. I guess I’m just saying I don’t expect much improvement from Luck on that this year considering he has to make plays for them to win as currently constructed. With that said I still think Luck has a little more Brett Favre in him than Peyton Manning. Scary to say I know, but unfortunately I think it’s accurate.
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