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Old 05-27-2018, 10:04 PM
Hoopsdoc Hoopsdoc is offline
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Originally Posted by rm1369 View Post
No, Trumps history of racism was not under scrutiny until he ran for for president. That doesn’t at all mean it didn’t exist. From the Trump companies being sued for racist housing policies to his embrace of birtherism there were plenty of examples of Trumps racist tendencies. Come on, do you think it’s a coincidence he has been the party of the racist element in this country since his campaign started? And even if you don’t believe Trump himself is a racist I don’t in anyway see how you can argue he hasn’t tactically aligned himself with racists and knowingly courted racist elements to his base. At best Trump is a tactical racist who fans the flames racism to further his causes.

My guess is you didn’t address the issue of being above rounding up his political enemies because the ironic “lock her up chants” from his political rallies leave little doubt to that capability.

I mostly agree here, although I don’t believe it’s nearly as guaranteed as you seem to think. Look no further than the rash of retirements from the GOP and the types of candidates they are running in many areas. Look at how far some candidates are willing to go to win their base. Here in Indiana the GOP primary boiled down to who loved and supported Trump more. And that’s supposed to give me comfort? Way to many Republicans stand idly by while Trump is actively trying to destroy the legitimate media, the Justice Department, and many of our intelligence services. Trumps message to his followers is you can only trust me the rest of the government is crooked. That doesn’t seem dangerous or dictator like to you? Who is going to save us - guys like Nunes? The media like Fox News?

His approval rating has been going up. The main republicans opposing him are either retiring or dying. Many of the new GOP candidates are more extreme and aligning themselves directly with him and his views. Your attitude is very common among Republicans I know - Trump is a laughable idiot. An embarrassment maybe, but not in anyway dangerous. They don’t like him, but he’s draining the swamp and exposing all the corruption in DC. That’s what Hannity and Fox News tells them.

As you point out things weren’t as bad as in post WWI Germany. Not even close. But economic dissatisfaction was a large factor for Trump. And the MAGA slogan itself is designed to play on nationalism and a desire for the “good old days”. Pretty similar themes to Hitler restoring Germany to its former glory, no? Trump has consistently proven that perception is more important than reality. Just because the social and economic situation isn’t as dire doesn’t mean many of the same factors and techniques aren’t in play.

I personally try to refrain from bringing Hitler into a discussion of Trump simply because it side tracks the conversation. My initial post on the subject was mainly meant to say that most don’t reference Hitler as a direct comparison but simply as an (admittedly extreme) example of the dangers of the types of actions employed by Trump and other men of his ilk. I just hope that too many don’t blow off his racist words and actions as media creations as you seem to. Same with his attacks on the press, justice department, and intelligence agencies. The idea that “good” people could believe it’s all just scare tactics by the liberal media is terrifying to me. They’ve already ratinoalized his pussy grabbing and racist remarks.
The attacks on the media started with Obama. He tried to revoke Fox’s press credentials and would have succeeded had the rest of the media not thrown a fit about it. That’s far FAR worse than anything Trump has done. All he does is talk and tweet like a blowhard.

I hated when people said Obama was destroying America and I hate it when people comp Trump to Hitler. It’s hyerpartisan, identity politics bullshit.

This is the greatest country in the world, by a large margin. And all of us, left right and center, are far closer in beliefs than those in power would have us believe.
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