Thread: Mike Pence
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Old 10-12-2017, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Gimmick View Post
You are a mentally deranged individual with a sickness inside of your head. I hope for the sake of your family, neighbors, and citizens near you that you don't own any firearms. You are in obvious need of psychiatric evaluation.
Yeah, all of that since I will not cower to political correctness. I refuse to be bullied into a label of racist, islamaphobe, homophobe, misogynist cause I am a white male who refuses to run to every injustice in a never ending list of injustice in this country. You feel guilty for being born a straight white male (Huge assumption) so everyone must be or there is not social justice for the offended. Me? I have zero guilt or remorse for being white and straight. I own plenty of firearms, somewhere between 80 & 100, maybe more, maybe less I quit actually counting a few years ago. I have several bows, couple boxes of different knives. I hunt, that scares you snowflake?

If shit ever goes bad in this screwed up country, I am the twisted m'fer you'll hide behind.
Life is hard, its harder if you're stupid.
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