Thread: Out of Luck
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Old 09-13-2017, 09:56 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Well here's one that is going to at least leave you scratching your head.

Venturi, who I think to a man we've all touted for his analysis and his straight shooting, said he doesn't believe this is a "9th inning deal" like Greenburg made it out to be (implying the trading of Luck is a foregone conclusion). He did say however that he believes there is an issue between Luck and the team. He spent a lot of time going through his 4 reasons for this. He made great well rounded points and he focused in on the interview Jim gave about the 4 inches between his ears- which was Venturi's interview BTW. In his view he believes that was Jim setting the table for it to emerge that Luck is having reservations about where things are.

Venturi held no punches and essentially spelled out without saying it directly that the coaching of this team is as bad as any he's ever seen (Rick has his own Colts coaching career to serve as a benchmark of suck...). Again, he never came out and just said it but I very clearly interpreted a lot of his comments to be indicative that Luck has perhaps spelled out some changes that have to take place and they start with Pags being gone.

The issue with Luck being silent, and essentially invisible, with NO one outside of his agent coming forward and asserting this isn't the case (yeah that guy doesn't have a keen interest in keeping teams from looking at his guy as a malcontent...)--- the silence is deafening. Luck's remaining silent is a hell of a lot more indicative of there being legitimacy to all this than not. He can't very well come out and say this is what he wants, conversely he will lose a lot of credibility if he has a camera thrust in front of him and pledges allegiance to this franchise and then a couple days later is traded. So what makes the most sense--- for him to stay in the shadows that's what.

Sorry, again, there is way too much smoke here, there's a fire burning somewhere...
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