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Old 08-24-2017, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by sherck View Post
Well said.

It is completely American to protest the freedoms this nations has delivered to you upon the event of your birth on its soil. To paraphrase a movie line, "the symbol of your nation cannot just be the flag that it flies. It must also be the actions of one of its citizens to exercise that freedom by burning that flag in protest."

It is also completely American for others to look at your protest and then choose to deliver the deserved consequences to you for those protests.

The issue being is that Kapricorn wants to be an American in the first part (protest) but then wants to be un-American in the second part (not suffering negative consequences due to his actions).

I went to a great lecture about five years ago in which the lecturer took about 45 minutes to tell the history of the United States from a viewpoint of what today would be called a conservative Christian viewpoint.

He then turned around and took about 45 minutes to tell the history of the United States from a viewpoint of what today would be called a liberal activist.

Folks, both stories were beautiful; both touched on a lot of what makes American great. It was just fascinating to see the different events and actions that one side feels is central to the American experience while that same event or action did not even register to the other side as being of any significance.

I personally believe that his first version of history was more accurate in pointing to God which is why I am a conservative Christian but I could also see the attraction and greatness of the second viewpoint.

I personally believe that viewpoint was unrealistic and naive but I see how it could be compelling outside of a believe in the Christian God.

The point being is that both sides want to believe that they are acting towards a better America....just their version of it.

That does not excuse violence, threats, murder, property damage or any of the other things we are seeing that go along with today's protests. However, both sides have a vision of America that they are working towards.

Choose wisely.

And, yeah, agree that if we would sign Kapricorn, I would have to shoot my junk off.

Walk Worthy,
haha you said naive but weren't talking about the god part.
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