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Old 01-12-2022, 09:46 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Tomorrow is a really big day for this franchise. Ballard's words are going to need to mean something. Presumptively given Irsay's issuance of an apology letter HE HAS TO BE to the point of telling both Ballard and Riech that Wentz MUST go--- if no reason other than to quell the rage of this fanbase, let alone because he sucks (and I was one that said he was what we needed--- and I was WRONG!).

If so, then Frank would presumably be on the firing line as well if he tries to go to the well again to support his guy. Frank better utter the statement "I was wrong, I F-d up, I agree, we have to get rid of him". If not, then you MUST send him packing as well.

We are damaged franchise in need of an overhaul and a lot of that now lays at the feet of Frank. Cut bait or cut your own head off IMO, and it should be fast- send the message that we are NOT willing to settle for this level of crap.
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