Thread: Trump is gone
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Old 06-23-2021, 06:42 PM
JAFF JAFF is offline
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
I have a question for you Jaff, since you claim to be a long time republican, which I fucking really doubt. What is your opinion of Biden/Harris. What have they accomplished at this point? Give me facts, not your fucking opinion.
It’s not about Biden/Harris. It’s about Donald Trump lifting up the dress on Lady liberty and fucking her in the ass. Donald Trump doesn’t give a flying rats ass about anybody other than himself. He had a fake charity so he could shuffle money to his kids. That’s a fact go look it up. The only reason he has money is that he’s leveraged to his eyeballs.

Stop believing the Donald Trump gives a flying shit about you he doesn’t. Wanna know why he turned on the NFL? Because the commissioner football told him he would never get a team. Why you ask? Because they already had Jones in Dallas and they didn’t need another asshole.

Which is why former governor Pence can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. He was supposed to go to a game that was honoring Peyton Manning and he walked out because a couple of players took a knee during the national anthem.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. You pray on your knees. You asked for God‘s forgiveness on your knees. All those players wanted was to make a point about how minorities are treated. That’s part of free speech. Let me say that again free speech. Pence walked out on Peyton Manning’s biggest day and cost the city $100,000 for his security.

Far as I’m concerned Donald Trump and Mike Pence can go take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut. And if you can find out who first said that I’ll give you extra credit and I’ll give you a hint he was a Hoosier.

So now spike you can go take a flying fuck at the moon. That’s a quote from the same guy so while you’re at it hit a doughnut

Last edited by JAFF; 06-23-2021 at 07:48 PM.
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