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Old 07-10-2020, 03:40 AM
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Brylok Brylok is offline
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Originally Posted by apballin View Post
So the real question should be, would you sign a waiver and wear a mask to attend a Colts game?
Um, no, you absolute troglodyte. The real question is: what multi-million dollar value NFL player is willing to risk his life to play a game in the face of a growing virus pandemic in which the USA is head and shoulders the world leader? Particularly lineman, where they breathe on each other all game long. And it's getting worse at a geometric rate now. Not many I'd hope. But, you go ahead! Feel free! Don't wear a mask or gloves or social distance yourself! You are a special! Go inside to bars and restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys. Live it up! You do you! Feel free to call other people pussies and whatnot. Perhaps you'll wind up taking care of yourself. Best of luck to you.
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