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GoBigBlue88 10-14-2018 05:13 PM

Colts-Jets quick thoughts
1. I mean, what else can we say about the drops? There has to be a roster move this week. There will probably be one anyway due to today's injuries. But Reece Fountain or a free agent ... there's just no way, at this point, the Colts could downgrade by playing someone over Pascal or Rogers.

2. This team was schematically flawed on defense today. I don't know what Eberflus was trying to accomplish on 3rd downs, but he routinely made the wrong call. He conceded the MOF when Jets obviously wanted to go MOF, then conceded the boundaries when Jets wanted to go outside in two-minute drill.

It bothers me when this team plays as if conceding 7 is inevitable, so they're relieved to concede 3 instead. See also: end of first half. Sometimes, this team needs to recognize that the offense is sputtering and the defense needs to be put in position to make a play against a rookie QB.

3. But regardless of strategy, the DBs were AWFUL as a group today. CBS kept pointing to the DL tiring out, but the DBs were the most consistently problematic group. Wasn't limited to any one person, but Nate Hairston stood out to me the most as immediately struggling.

4. I still don't understand why it's so hard for this team to find a run game. In the second half, they started running behind Castonzo-Nelson-Kelly and handing the ball off to Mack in pistol or singleback formations. Why did it take a half of football to get there? The first half was a few half-hearted attempts to run by, like, running slow-developing plays with Robert Turbin. I think Reich overthinks the run game sometimes. See also: these runs up the gut with Hines.

5. Speaking of Quenton Nelson, he was fine today, but holy shit he got DESTROYED on Luck's 3rd pick. It wasn't anywhere near the reason for the pick, but I don't remember the last time I saw a guard get destroyed quite like that.

6. Of all the drops, Hines' drop bothers me most. Mack's was the worst, of course, but Mack is also a known 50/50 prospect with the ball in the air (remember the pitch he ruined last year?) And I know the WRs are bad. But my hope is that Hines can play some slot for Colts with Mack purely taking handoffs, and that was a BAD look for a slot WR.

7. I still don't understand, unless he was hurt, why Eric Ebron wasn't on the field -- in a receiver spot if nothing else -- any more than he was. Maybe it was injury management, which would be a fair reason to limit. But it feels like this team doesn't realize Ebron is its greatest asset without Hilton sometimes.

8. The Colts are holding up well in pass protection. It's not perfect, but it's not the problem.

9. I think we have to concede that Luck is going to throw one dumb throw per game that may or may not be picked (had 1 that was, 1 that wasn't today). The goal is to get to a point where that doesn't = the margin for error.

10. I was happy to see Jabaal Sheard rewarded with a sack for his play today. He was a beast. Shame he couldn't nab that INT. Woulda been big.

11. Grover Stewart does nothing for me. That 2017 draft class looks pretty damn bad.

12. This team misses Pat McAfee on onside kicks.

JMichael557 10-14-2018 05:17 PM

Agree with most points. Today we scored 4 TDs and the Jets only 2 TD's. That will win most games. The 2 big plays were the TD off of Mack Deflection and the Hines drop. Plus we gave them 3 a the end of the half. Absent those we win. Go FA in off season for WR. Use all of the draft for Defense.

omahacolt 10-14-2018 05:23 PM

This team does not miss mcafee in any way. That ego maniac being off the team is a godsend

DragonTails 10-14-2018 05:35 PM

Play calling was bad today. At times it felt like Pags was calling in the plays.

When your WR corp is sucking get the backs into the game. 5 yard wheel routes?

Yea they dropped 2 but that was the only 2 attempts in the first half. Better then watching rodgers and pascal drop them.

No screens, no misdirection, very boring. Nothing like week 1

DrSpaceman 10-14-2018 05:45 PM

This was just a pathetic defensive effort

Sadly it was the type of effort I expected from the D this year but we have not seen yet.

It didn't look this bad on a Thursday vs Tom Brady

Jevon freakin' Kearse had a career game today just by running a slant pattern ALL GOD DAMN GAME no one could stop. Pathetic. It couldn't BE more simple. GET UP ON HIM, JAM HIM SOMETHING

This team just GIVES away points in so many ways. And I am not just talking about the pick 6.
You give up not one but TWO scores in the last two minutes
Luck not just with the turnovers but misses a WIDE OPEN WR downfield before the half. Should be an easy play
Point off turnovers has been awful. You get momentum from the D on a turnover and manage a FG on a 10 yard drive or some pathetic crap
Offensive Play calling in the red zone.......Jesus Christ, awful. And I mean on both ends, trying to score and deep in your own territory. Have the Colt been able to run a screen all fucking year? No. So what do you do? Open the game with a screen pass deep in your own fucking territory? Not only that but to the RB that has not seen game time all damn year so far. It was like when you have a piss poor OL and you run a shot gun our of your own end zone. Just stupid. Its like Luck is rubbing off on Reich rather than vice versa. His usual consistent play calling is interrupted by completely asinine and dumbass decisions like this.
Challenges.........on that sack and almost fumble in the second half, why not challenge that? It looks like he may have fumbled, it was closer on the replay than I expected and would have been a HUGE shift.
Of course what do they do on 2nd and 20 after that. GIVE UP A FIRST DOWN ON A SHORT SLANT!!! Jesus Christ

This team have completely regressed the last two weeks since that tie that ended up a loss.

This is the most upset I have been at a loss in years. You give up over 40 points to a team that has a bad offense. And not on the ground as they have been doing all season with the jets, but in the air to a rookie QB on short passes that stupid horrible coverage.

And on that point : MY GOD, were we missing like 3 players in the secondary on that one TD? Not one but TWO guys wide open, either one could have gone in untouched. I have never seen such horrible coverage on a play. How do you blow coverage on not one but two guys?

And second, yes Hooker finally made a play and an INT, but he should have made an INT earlier in the game too when he came over for coverage on the sideline and misplayed the ball.

Only bright spot was Mack finally gave them a running game in the second half.

That was a great play by Leonard to force the fumble. Of course then the offense only manages a FG....but hey, what more can you ask for? They only had it on the 40 yard line or so.

I thought this was still a .500 team before this week. If it plays like this though its a 4-5 win team.

IndyNorm 10-14-2018 05:46 PM

I hear you on our D giving up way too much in the middle of the field, but this loss was, yet again (sigh), all on our O. If the offense had held up their end in the first half we would have been up at worst 21-6, but between the dropped pass turned into a pick 6, dropped td, and stupid int by Luck we were down by 10 instead of having a comfortable lead. True the D sucked in the 2nd half, but if they wouldn't have played great in the 1st half we would have gotten skull fucked.

DrSpaceman 10-14-2018 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by IndyNorm (Post 86106)
I hear you on our D giving up way too much in the middle of the field, but this loss was, yet again (sigh), all on our O. If the offense had held up their end in the first half we would have been up at worst 21-6, but between the dropped pass turned into a pick 6, dropped td, and stupid int by Luck we were down by 10 instead of having a comfortable lead. True the D sucked in the 2nd half, but if they wouldn't have played great in the 1st half we would have gotten skull fucked.

This loss was not on the offense

There was blame to go around.

The Jets scored on 6 or 7 straight possessions. They D gave up an easy Field goal before the half in under a minute and then let the Jets easily get a TD after halftime, which made it a 3 score game and made the team play catch up the whole second half, taking risks and chasing points.

You can't put this all on either side of the ball

IndyNorm 10-14-2018 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by DrSpaceman (Post 86110)
This loss was not on the offense

There was blame to go around.

The Jets scored on 6 or 7 straight possessions. They D gave up an easy Field goal before the half in under a minute and then let the Jets easily get a TD after halftime, which made it a 3 score game and made the team play catch up the whole second half, taking risks and chasing points.

You can't put this all on either side of the ball

Again I disagree. 17 of the 23 points they scored in the first half were from turnovers we committed in our end of the field, and 6 of the points we scored in the first half were from turnovers our D forced. If our O had held up their end we should have scored at least 17 if not 21 and given up only 6. Also, yes our D sucked on their drive for a FG to end the half, but our O going 3 and out and only taking ~15 sec off the clock sure didn't help things.

DrSpaceman 10-14-2018 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by IndyNorm (Post 86128)
Again I disagree. 17 of the 23 points they scored in the first half were from turnovers we committed in our end of the field, and 6 of the points we scored in the first half were from turnovers our D forced. If our O had held up their end we should have scored at least 17 if not 21 and given up only 6. Also, yes our D sucked on their drive for a FG to end the half, but our O going 3 and out and only taking ~15 sec off the clock sure didn't help things.

If the D cannot hold a bad offense from scoring on a fairly long drive in under a minute, they suck.

Short drive or not, there was no excuse for that FG before the half

And no matter what happened in the first half with the offense, no excuse for that easy TD to start the second half

IndyNorm 10-14-2018 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by DrSpaceman (Post 86130)
If the D cannot hold a bad offense from scoring on a fairly long drive in under a minute, they suck.

Short drive or not, there was no excuse for that FG before the half

And no matter what happened in the first half with the offense, no excuse for that easy TD to start the second half

They scored 17 points off of turnovers committed by our O on our side of the field in the first half (including 7 in the Mack fumble pick 6). We managed only 6 points off of turnovers created by our D on their side of the field in the first half (including settling for a FG from 1st and goal at the 2 inch line). If our O doesn't hand over the ball like halloween candy or they take advantage of the TOs created by our D and score TDs like they should then we win. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.

Edit: In addition the D gave up 1 TD and 19 total points on drives not started in their end of the field via turnovers. Still think it's their fault?

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