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JAFF 06-06-2022 05:23 PM

Proud Boys leader and top members charged with seditious conspiracy over January

Finally, charging traitors with , seditious conspiracy.

Lov2fish 06-06-2022 05:46 PM

Good, they need to round up all the domestic terrorist. Lets not leave any out, send a message that shit ain't cool. Proud Boys, Antifa, BLM, KKK, Skin heads, all of them fucking useless pieces of shit.

JAFF 06-10-2022 03:17 PM

Trump turns on daughter



A day after the House January 6 committee revealed previously unseen video of former President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior adviser, Ivanka Trump, saying she accepted then-Attorney General Bill Barr’s statement that the Justice Department found no fraud sufficient to overturn the election, the former President is responding, saying she had “long since checked out.”

“Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!),” Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Vice Chair Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., gives her opening remarks as Committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., left, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., look on, as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol holds its first public hearing to reveal the findings of a year-long investigation, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, June 9, 2022. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing
While Trump seeks to downplay his daughter’s role in his administration at the time of the January 6, 2021, riots, Ivanka Trump did still accompany her father to rally at the White House Ellipse that preceded the US Capitol attack.

In the clip from her deposition aired Thursday night, Ivanka Trump was asked about her reaction when Barr said there was no widespread election fraud.

“It affected my perspective,” Ivanka Trump said. “I respect Attorney General Barr so I accepted what he was saying.”

Ivanka Trump met virtually with the committee in April for nearly eight hours, and CNN previously reported that she corroborated critical testimony from other witnesses who said the then-President was reluctant to try to call off the rioters despite being asked to do so.

“They kinda supported the fact that the President was told he had to do something to stop the January 6 insurrection. That he had to be public with it; he had to be direct,” Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told CNN about the committee’s interviews with Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.

“So in that respect … we have been able to systematically, with our depositions and interviewing of other witnesses, we’ve been able to fill in a lot of the gaps,” Thompson said.

The committee also pointed to the closed-door deposition from Barr in which he said that Trump’s claims were “bullshit.” Barr, who resigned in December 2020, said part of the reason that he left the Trump administration was because of Trump’s false claims of fraud (although he did not cite that reason publicly at the time).

“I made clear that I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff, which I told the President was bullshit,” Barr said in the video played by the committee on Thursday.

Spike 06-10-2022 04:54 PM

This prime time bullshit was a fucking waste of time and money.

I don't really give a shit about 1/6 because for the most part it was complete BS. Fuck Pelosi and Cheney. Pelosi was told to call in the national guard and she ignored that. Her and her drunk ass DUI husband need to just retire and get the fuck out of Washington.

What I really give a shit about is high gas prices, inflation, crime and securing our southern boarder. That's what really affects most Americans. Sick and tired of all these sorry ass politicians.

Lov2fish 06-10-2022 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 232498)
This prime time bullshit was a fucking waste of time and money.

I don't really give a shit about 1/6 because for the most part it was complete BS. Fuck Pelosi and Cheney. Pelosi was told to call in the national guard and she ignored that. Her and her drunk ass DUI husband need to just retire and get the fuck out of Washington.

What I really give a shit about is high gas prices, inflation, crime and securing our southern boarder. That's what really affects most Americans. Sick and tired of all these sorry ass politicians.

Deflection with smoke and mirrors is all they have in D.C. This hearing is a shit show because they have no real solution to common everyday problems facing Americans. It's a prime time version of Trump impeachment 3.0 nothing more. A complete fucking waste of time, and money.

JAFF 06-10-2022 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 232498)
This prime time bullshit was a fucking waste of time and money.

I don't really give a shit about 1/6 because for the most part it was complete BS. Fuck Pelosi and Cheney. Pelosi was told to call in the national guard and she ignored that. Her and her drunk ass DUI husband need to just retire and get the fuck out of Washington.

What I really give a shit about is high gas prices, inflation, crime and securing our southern boarder. That's what really affects most Americans. Sick and tired of all these sorry ass politicians.

Pelosi cant order the military to do anything. The president can, governors can order their national guards.

This was a trump shit show from start to finish, even his daughter agrees, there was no voter fraud

JAFF 06-10-2022 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 232506)
Deflection with smoke and mirrors is all they have in D.C. This hearing is a shit show because they have no real solution to common everyday problems facing Americans. It's a prime time version of Trump impeachment 3.0 nothing more. A complete fucking waste of time, and money.

This can lead to federal charges of sedition. Congress puts forth its evidence, the judiciary moves on charges.

JAFF 06-10-2022 10:18 PM

DC bar brings ethics charges against Rudy Giuliani over election fraud claims

The attorney discipline arm of the DC Bar has brought a case against Rudy Giuliani for pushing unsubstantiated election fraud accusations in a Pennsylvania federal court on behalf of Donald Trump after the 2020 election.

The disciplinary office filing, called a charge, further puts Giuliani's status as a lawyer in jeopardy. Giuliani had already been suspended from practicing law by the New York bar as that office also investigates his election fraud efforts on behalf of Trump in court.
In the new filing from the DC bar, Giuliani is accused of violating Pennsylvania's Rules of Professional Conduct.
Former Fox political editor says he will testify at January 6 committee hearing
Former Fox political editor says he will testify at January 6 committee hearing
He did so, the filing said, in that he "brought a proceeding and asserted issues therein without a non-frivolous basis in law and fact for doing so" and "engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice."
CNN reached out to Giuliani/s attorney but did not receive a response to its inquiry about the ethics charges.
The filing is the beginning of the process for Giuliani to have his license revoked or suspended in DC, separate from the disciplinary action he had already received from the New York bar while it investigates the professional misconduct allegations against him.
In the Pennsylvania case, the new disciplinary filings allege that Giuliani sought to "leverage the lawful rejection of two ballots by non-defendant counties into invalidating up to 1.5 million votes already counted."
The DC Bar charges, filed by Disciplinary Counsel Hamilton Fox, allege that there was no "legal basis" for the constitutional claims Giuliani pursued in the Pennsylvania litigation.
The election challenge in question was a lawsuit filed days after the 2020 election in a Pennsylvania federal court on behalf of the Trump campaign. At oral arguments in the case, Giuliani claimed without evidence that the "best description of this situation is it's widespread, nationwide voter fraud of which this is a part."
"The only place we have it happening en masse is in the Democrat -- heavily controlled counties that you can call counties controlled by a Democratic machine that have quite an impressive list of voter fraud convictions as part of their history and tradition. And all of the sudden, with this greater opportunity to do it, they did it on a grand scale," Giuliani said at the oral arguments, which were quoted in the new ethics charges from the DC Bar.
The disciplinary filings said that Giuliani had "cited to the district court as a basis for his fraud allegations several sources that could not, as a categorical matter, prove that" the defendants in the Pennsylvania case had "committed or facilitated election fraud during the 2020 election."
Giuliani also lacked evidence in his claims in the case that barriers erected at Pennsylvania vote-counting sites amounted to fraud, the new charging document said. Giuliani "should have known the 'evidence' he provided" in the case to claim mass fraud "relied upon false or faulty statistics and analysis."
Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing
Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing
Of the 300 affidavits Giuliani provided in the Pennsylvania case, the DC Bar charges said they were "(a) unsupported, (b) unrelated to Trump voters (c) involve conduct outside the seven Defendant Counties, and (d) by their own terms were isolated incidents that could not have affected the presidential election's results by offsetting the Biden majority of over 80,000 votes."
The disciplinary process against Giuliani will now move to a hearing phase where he will be able to respond to the allegations. The charges will first be put before what is known as a hearing committee, which can consider evidence and testimony. In contested proceedings, according to the DC Bar's website, the "Hearing Committee prepares a report and recommendation, with proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a recommended sanction, which is filed with" the Bar's Board on Professional Responsibility.
The DC Court of Appeals has the ultimate authority over the bar's disciplinary proceedings, and the court reviews and approves any disciplinary actions that include the suspension or disbarment of an attorney accused of misconduct.

Spike 06-11-2022 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232511)
Pelosi cant order the military to do anything. The president can, governors can order their national guards.

This was a trump shit show from start to finish, even his daughter agrees, there was no voter fraud

Pelosi can get shit done if she wants to.

Trump shit show??? Biden is the shit show. I can't believe you continue to bitch about Trump, hell he's gone. But never a fucking word about how bad this administration has fucked all of us. You happy with inflation, crime, gas prices, lack of baby formula and allowing any fucking dick head crossing the boarder? Man, you really need to get your priorities in order. You appear to be like so many other leftists who have let Trump live rent free in their heads.

And no Biden, it is not Putin's fault. Russia has nothing to do with how well America is run. Nothing but fucking excuses and denials from your President.

Tell all of us now Jaff, what the fuck has Biden done that's been worth a shit for all of us hard working Americans? I'll wait because that's a question nobody can answer.

At least there is a glimmer of hope, Biden's approval rating is dropping like a fucking rock.

Lov2fish 06-11-2022 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232513)

The attorney discipline arm of the DC Bar has brought a case against Rudy Giuliani for pushing unsubstantiated election fraud accusations in a Pennsylvania federal court on behalf of Donald Trump after the 2020 election.

The disciplinary office filing, called a charge, further puts Giuliani's status as a lawyer in jeopardy. Giuliani had already been suspended from practicing law by the New York bar as that office also investigates his election fraud efforts on behalf of Trump in court.
In the new filing from the DC bar, Giuliani is accused of violating Pennsylvania's Rules of Professional Conduct.
Former Fox political editor says he will testify at January 6 committee hearing
Former Fox political editor says he will testify at January 6 committee hearing
He did so, the filing said, in that he "brought a proceeding and asserted issues therein without a non-frivolous basis in law and fact for doing so" and "engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice."
CNN reached out to Giuliani/s attorney but did not receive a response to its inquiry about the ethics charges.
The filing is the beginning of the process for Giuliani to have his license revoked or suspended in DC, separate from the disciplinary action he had already received from the New York bar while it investigates the professional misconduct allegations against him.
In the Pennsylvania case, the new disciplinary filings allege that Giuliani sought to "leverage the lawful rejection of two ballots by non-defendant counties into invalidating up to 1.5 million votes already counted."
The DC Bar charges, filed by Disciplinary Counsel Hamilton Fox, allege that there was no "legal basis" for the constitutional claims Giuliani pursued in the Pennsylvania litigation.
The election challenge in question was a lawsuit filed days after the 2020 election in a Pennsylvania federal court on behalf of the Trump campaign. At oral arguments in the case, Giuliani claimed without evidence that the "best description of this situation is it's widespread, nationwide voter fraud of which this is a part."
"The only place we have it happening en masse is in the Democrat -- heavily controlled counties that you can call counties controlled by a Democratic machine that have quite an impressive list of voter fraud convictions as part of their history and tradition. And all of the sudden, with this greater opportunity to do it, they did it on a grand scale," Giuliani said at the oral arguments, which were quoted in the new ethics charges from the DC Bar.
The disciplinary filings said that Giuliani had "cited to the district court as a basis for his fraud allegations several sources that could not, as a categorical matter, prove that" the defendants in the Pennsylvania case had "committed or facilitated election fraud during the 2020 election."
Giuliani also lacked evidence in his claims in the case that barriers erected at Pennsylvania vote-counting sites amounted to fraud, the new charging document said. Giuliani "should have known the 'evidence' he provided" in the case to claim mass fraud "relied upon false or faulty statistics and analysis."
Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing
Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing
Of the 300 affidavits Giuliani provided in the Pennsylvania case, the DC Bar charges said they were "(a) unsupported, (b) unrelated to Trump voters (c) involve conduct outside the seven Defendant Counties, and (d) by their own terms were isolated incidents that could not have affected the presidential election's results by offsetting the Biden majority of over 80,000 votes."
The disciplinary process against Giuliani will now move to a hearing phase where he will be able to respond to the allegations. The charges will first be put before what is known as a hearing committee, which can consider evidence and testimony. In contested proceedings, according to the DC Bar's website, the "Hearing Committee prepares a report and recommendation, with proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a recommended sanction, which is filed with" the Bar's Board on Professional Responsibility.
The DC Court of Appeals has the ultimate authority over the bar's disciplinary proceedings, and the court reviews and approves any disciplinary actions that include the suspension or disbarment of an attorney accused of misconduct.

Nothing from any main stream media source is valid as fact. Sorry, they have taken away that assumption themselves the last decade when it went full on prime time comedy.

I know what sedation is, and even though January, 6th. was a shit show, it did not remotely meet the criteria to call it an insurrection. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. Nobody can be that mentally dysfunctional without an underlying cause.

JAFF 06-11-2022 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 232519)
Nothing from any main stream media source is valid as fact. Sorry, they have taken away that assumption themselves the last decade when it went full on prime time comedy.

I know what sedation is, and even though January, 6th. was a shit show, it did not remotely meet the criteria to call it an insurrection. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. Nobody can be that mentally dysfunctional without an underlying cause.

They tried to stop a legal process to finalize the election, stopping the transfer of power, by creating a riot.

That is sedition. It is treason. And you can talk about a stone election yet not one solid piece of evidence has ever been put forward by the Republican Party in any forum.

As Bill Barr said, “its bullshit”

Racehorse 06-11-2022 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 232517)

Tell all of us now Jaff, what the fuck has Biden done that's been worth a shit for all of us hard working Americans? I'll wait because that's a question nobody can answer.

At least there is a glimmer of hope, Biden's approval rating is dropping like a fucking rock.

Jaff, answer this question. You skipped this post altogether.

JAFF 06-11-2022 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 232522)
Jaff, answer this question. You skipped this post altogether.

Biden didnt try to take over the nation by fraud and violence. What has happened since he became President is a separate issue. Trumps criminal attempt to usurp the will of the people was treasonous. He swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

Where is the evidence of voter fraud? One piece of PHYSICAL evidence?

Bill Barr said it, its bullshit

JAFF 06-11-2022 03:54 PM

Are high gas prices Joe Biden’s fault? These experts weigh in on a president’s impact

Are high gas prices Joe Biden’s fault? These experts weigh in on a president’s impact BY MEGAN CARDONA UPDATED MAY 23, 2022 4:50 PM Play VideoDuration 1:27 Gas is suddenly very expensive, this is the reason why Gas prices are hitting a record high across the United States due to sanctions on Russian oil and COVID-19 restrictions. BY JOSHUA BESSEX Gas prices continue to hit record highs this year, reaching an average of around $4.40 in Tarrant County as of Wednesday. The average gas price nationally was $4.59 on Friday and averaged $4.29 in Texas. The statewide average increased 18 cents from the week before and was 53 cents higher than a month ago, according to the American Automobile Association. TOP VIDEOS Top Videos WATCH MORE American pianist performs in the 16th Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition × The average price of gas in Tarrant County was an average of $4.40 on Friday. As Texans prepare for Memorial Day weekend and summertime travel, gas prices are expected to remain high until the fall. Karr Ingham, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers petroleum economist, said the increase has to do with multiple factors, including the economy’s pandemic bounceback, Russia’s war in Ukraine and President Joe Biden’s administration. Get unlimited digital access Subscribe now for just $2 for 2 months. CLAIM OFFER WHY ARE GAS PRICES RISING? There are three main things causing rising gas prices. While supply kicks back into gear to meet increasing demand following two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, crude oil prices have risen, Ingham said. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has also sent crude oil prices higher, at one point increasing prices over $120 a barrel. Today, U.S. crude oil is $112 a barrel, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Ingham said a third factor is the Biden administration’s open disapproval of U.S. development of oil and gas resources, which acts as a restraint against rapid crude oil growth. IS THE U.S. PRESIDENT TO BLAME FOR GAS PRICES? Transfer of Power A special newsletter from our D.C. Bureau focused on transition to the Biden administration. SIGN UP This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Gas is a visible indicator of how the U.S. economy is doing for consumers. Thomas Marshall, a University of Texas at Arlington political science professor, said presidents generally get blamed for high gas prices, though their impact isn’t direct. There are some ways the Biden administration is indirectly to blame for gas prices. One way is Biden’s tense relationship with Saudi Arabia, which has prevented significant increase in oil production, Marshall said. According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, the Saudis are angry over the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and lack of support for Saudi Arabia’s intervention in the Yemen civil war. The administration has also given the perception of hostility toward the oil industry, shutting down pipeline projects, Marshall said. While pipelines take a while to develop, the message signals Biden’s lack of sympathy for the industry and creates uncertainty in its future. Ingham said the Biden administration’s messaging creates uncertainty from investors who are leery about funding new oil and gas production wells. “We should be growing production in response to this rising demand and high prices much more rapidly than we are,” he said. Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha, a University of North Texas political science professor, said whether a president should be blamed for gas is usually a partisan question. “Can the president do a lot? Not a lot. Should the Biden administration be talking up the economy? Yes, they need to be doing more because that’s effectively all they have to kind of be able to just make people feel a little bit better about things that aren’t going that well,” he said. DOES THE PRESIDENT HAVE THE ABILITY TO HELP EASE GAS PRICES? Presidents have limited tools to help with gas prices, but they do have some power. One short-term tool is messaging. Eshbaugh-Soha said positive messaging about the economy could instill consumer confidence and ease sticker shock at the pump. “In a limited capacity, President Biden can lead with an optimistic view of the economy to project that this is a temporary situation and I think psychologically this can take a little bit of the burden off of paying that gasoline price with the idea that the economy will improve down the road,” he said. Releasing oil reserves is another way a president can help ease gas prices. In his research looking at whether presidents could impact gas prices by releasing oil reserves, Eshbaugh-Soha found the announcement of the release caused a slight decline while the actual release didn’t. At the end of March, Biden announced he would tap into the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, releasing one million barrels a day for the next six months. Eshbaugh-Soha said it’s less certain if additional release announcements have the same market effect as an initial announcement. “The idea is that markets respond to the intention, to the expectation that certain things are going to happen,” he said. Marshall said there are other ways the Biden administration could help with gas prices. One way would lower the federal gas tax, which is 18.40 cents per gallon; however, because the majority of the tax goes to national highways it is unlikely that will happen, he said. Biden could also help by announcing the reopening of pipeline projects that were closed. Although the pipelines wouldn’t help immediately, Marshall said it would act as a symbol of reassurance for the future. WHO ARE SOME OTHER PRESIDENTS THAT HAVE BEEN BLAMED FOR GAS PRICES IN THE PAST? Gas prices have risen at different points in the last several decades. Because Americans are generally presidency oriented, Marshall said presidents tend to get blamed for high prices. “Presidents always jump in there taking credit for things and so we are just in the mindset that ‘If you’re out there taking credit for anything that happens, you might as well step up to the plate and take the other half of the blame’,” he said. The 1973 oil embargo imposed on the United States by oil-producing states in the Persian Gulf region created a spike in gas prices during President Richard Nixon’s administration. During the Iranian Revolution in 1979, gas prices spiked, creating lines and limiting consumers on how many gallons they could get. Marshall said President Jimmy Carter was blamed for the high gas prices at the time. Public expectations of the presidency have grown since as far back as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and gas prices are one of the more immediate expectations Americans have, Eshbaugh-Soha said. In turn, presidents have structured Americans’ expectations by taking credit for and running on platforms concerning the economy. “Generally the president is blamed for the economy when it’s doing poorly,” he said. “Of course presidents try to claim credit when the economy’s doing well. Presidents win and lose elections based on the state of the economy.”

Read more at:

JAFF 06-11-2022 05:34 PM

Opinion: I witnessed Jan. 6 and want the public to understand the truth

Editor’s Note: Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice president at New America and a professor of practice at Arizona State University. His new paperback is “The Cost of Chaos: The Trump Administration and the World.” View more opinion on CNN.


Nick Quested, a British documentary filmmaker, testified on Thursday evening before the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection. I spoke with Quested on Friday. He told me that he wanted the public to understand the truth of what happened on January 6 and expressed worries that the riot could be a dress rehearsal for another attack on America’s constitutional order.

Quested, a producer of the Oscar-nominated Afghanistan War documentary, “Restrepo,” has worked on several other films on subjects ranging from the Mexican drug cartels to the rise of ISIS in Syria.

Vice Chair U.S. Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) participates at the opening public hearing of the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June 9, 2022. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Opinion: Liz Cheney's huge moment
Quested and his producing partner Sebastian Junger became interested in the far-right group, the Proud Boys, and followed them in the weeks leading up to January 6. Quested, who captured key footage of the group during the attack at the Capitol, shared his work and his personal account of the events of that day during the committee’s first televised hearing.

He told me about the scenes of mayhem that he and his colleagues filmed that day, as well as the mysterious meeting between the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, another far-right group, that took place in a Washington, DC, parking garage the night before the assault on the US Capitol.

Disclosure: I have appeared as an interviewee in one of Quested’s documentaries. Our interview was edited for clarity.

PETER BERGEN: Why did you decide to testify?

NICK QUESTED: Because we’re approaching living in a post-factual world, and I think it’s important that these facts about January 6 are brought to bear and in an unpartisan way, especially if we can use these hearings to make sure that something like this never happens again.

BERGEN: And you had a subpoena to appear before the committee?

QUESTED: I had a subpoena. I spoke to the authorities in an interview beforehand, but when they were using my work in the way that they did, I felt it was only appropriate for them to subpoena me.

BERGEN: Your work – did you just hand it over to them, or did they request it? How did that work?

QUESTED: Well as a journalist, having filmed what were potentially many crimes, I didn’t feel there was any journalistic jeopardy giving that to authorities. I called a friend who is a US Attorney, and I said, “Listen, I have filmed I don’t know how many crimes. What do you think I should do with this?” He said, “We’ll call the DC Criminal Division.” I was then referred to an agent from the FBI. And we still had to process the footage because we shoot very high-quality video, which needs to be processed. So, we did that and then I gave it to the FBI.

FILE - In this Jan. 6, 2021 photo, Donald Trump supporters participate in a rally in Washington, near the White House. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)
Opinion: The big question about the January 6 hearings goes beyond Trump
BERGEN: On the morning of January 6th, what happened in terms of the Proud Boys?

QUESTED: I turned up on the National Mall around 10:30 am and the Proud Boys were already marching in an easterly direction towards the western side of the Capitol, and I immediately kicked into gear and started trying to cover the scene. I’m shooting a wide shot. I’m shooting long lens. I’m in the middle of the crowd with them. I’m shooting slow motion. I’m just trying to edit a sequence in my head, because I’ve done a lot of marching with these guys. They love marching up and down the Mall. We’d done that on December 12, 2020.

So I thought that’s what we were doing again. And we walked around the Capitol, and still they were marching. They’re singing their songs. It felt like hooligans at a soccer match. There were bawdy jokes. There’s sort of been an evolution in the Proud Boys, and at one point, people said that they were a drinking club with a political problem. I’d say they’re a political club with a drinking problem now.

And it wasn’t until that crowd moved near the barrier around the Capitol that I felt the world shift. At 12:54 pm, I feel the commotion and run over, and soon, the barriers are coming down and people are streaming forward and running towards the Capitol.

BERGEN: Were you frightened?

QUESTED: I wasn’t frightened at that point. But the language had started to change. There were more challenges to police to “respect their oath” and comments like, “We pay your wages. Do your job. Choose a side. Respect the oath.” And then people are starting to kick down the next fence. They’re starting to break up the fence and take pieces out of it to use as makeshift weapons, and it was different. It felt like some people were in rapture. It felt like a crusade, like they felt they were right, and they were unappreciative of the irony of using violence to overthrow a constitutionally elected body and justifying that violence by citing the Constitution.

BERGEN: Their interpretation of the Constitution.


BERGEN: How and when did you decide to profile the Proud Boys?

White House advisor Ivanka Trump listens to her father U.S. President Donald Trump deliver remarks on supporting small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program in the East Room of the White House April 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. An total of $659 billion has been allocated for small business loans in coronavirus relief bills passed by Congress.
Trump claims daughter Ivanka 'checked out' and wasn't looking at election results
QUESTED: In the summer of 2020, I was chatting with the war reporter and my producing partner Sebastian Junger, and we were talking about the psyche of the country at that time. We were in the first few months of Covid-19. People were scared because they had no idea what this virus’ potential was. The hospitals were full. There was a hospital ship in the harbor in New York. The emergency rooms were overflowing. There were stories in the papers about pressure on the food supply and Covid ripping through meatpacking plants.

And then you have the murder of George Floyd, and you literally have medieval-style pitched battles in the cities of America. And we asked ourselves this question: Why is America so divided when Americans have so much in common?

So, we thought, let’s see what the far right has to say and what the far right and the far left actually have in common here. And we wanted to ask both sides: What does it mean to be American? If you can’t define it, then how can you find commonality, if there is commonality to be had here?

BERGEN: So, you reached out to the Proud Boys.

QUESTED: Yeah. We called up the Proud Boys. On November 4, 2020, when President Donald Trump falsely claimed that he won the election before a winner had been declared, we were like, “Oh, here you go.” Because one of the fundamental tenets of America is having a peaceful transfer of power. I called up Enrique Tarrio, the head of the Proud Boys. He liked the film “Restrepo” that war reporter Tim Hetherington, Sebastian, and I made together. And he just said to come down. So we went down to DC on December 11, 2020 and started working.

BERGEN: When a revolution happens, even the revolutionaries sometimes have no idea what is going to happen. To what extent did the Proud Boys know this was going to happen on January 6?

QUESTED: I don’t know. We did definitely look at the Proud Boys and say, “Well, are Proud Boys Jacobins? Are they Brown Shirts? Or are they football hooligans?” Or is it just Trumpism? Because that was a very unifying factor throughout the Proud Boys. There are no RINOs in the Proud Boys. It is the cult of Trump, and they were the muscle.

BERGEN: The footage that you have, why is it of interest to the committee, and what does it show?

QUESTED: It was shot with very high-end cameras at a very high resolution with high-quality lenses by trained professional journalists. There were three of us there and also a freelancer that we met on the day. I was shooting as well. So, basically, what we have is a full view of the day because, even though we were separated at the beginning, we managed to have parallel experiences that have nexus points. We were able to cut documentary scenes from different angles because we’re all seeing the same parts at the same time.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 6: Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as people try to storm the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification. (photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images)
Opinion: GOP efforts to 'counterprogram' January 6 hearings will fail
BERGEN: What are the key scenes?

QUESTED: The Proud Boys walking down the Mall, the Proud Boys at lunch, the barriers coming down, the Proud Boys just as the barriers come down at the West Plaza of the Capitol, the fight on the lower West Plaza, and the fight at the tunnel on the west side of the Capitol.

BERGEN: The battle scene in the tunnel? You were there?

QUESTED: I was there.

BERGEN: What did you see?

QUESTED: Chaos and mayhem. I mean, mayhem in the true sense of the word.

BERGEN: Had you ever seen that in the United States?

QUESTED: I have not seen that in the United States, no.

BERGEN: Have you seen it anywhere?

QUESTED: Yeah. I’ve seen it around the world.

BERGEN: Where?

QUESTED: Venezuela 2017, Nicaragua 2018.

BERGEN: Were you scared?

QUESTED: I wasn’t scared because I’m so living in the moment, and my job is to document this. I have a task. So, I focus on my task. I got beat up pretty bad. My camera was broken. I got shot by a beanbag or pepper balls. I got tear-gassed.

BERGEN: What was that like?

QUESTED: Well, it’s not great. It’s not great because you’re in a big crowd, and you know no one in this crowd. You lose all sense of awareness, everything. But for all those in the crowd who were violent, there were many people that were just there to witness the event. They might have chanted or whatever, but there were also people there helping others. Someone came and poured water into my eyes, and I was like, “Don’t do that?” because I was worried I was going to get Covid. And I was like I’d rather be tear-gassed.

President Joe Biden walks with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of Sweden and President Sauli Niinisto of Finland as they arrive at the White House in Washington, Thursday May 19, 2022.
Opinion: American leadership is thriving abroad. It's a disturbingly different story at home
My phone didn’t work, so I couldn’t communicate what I was doing until basically six o’clock, when I called my family and said it’s all good.

BERGEN: You also filmed a meeting on January 5 between the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers?

QUESTED: This meeting was in a parking garage. We picked Enrique Tarrio up by car from jail, as he had just made bond. (Editor’s note: Tarrio had been arrested on January 4, 2021 on a warrant charging him with burning a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a historic Black church and he was also found with high-capacity magazines, which are illegal in Washington, DC. He was later sentenced to a total of five months in jail for both crimes). We went to pick his stuff up from a lock-up garage south of the Mall. Then we went back up to pick up some bags from the Phoenix Park Hotel in downtown DC, and outside the hotel, we bumped into Stewart Rhodes, leader of the Oath Keepers. We picked up the bags, and somebody said, “You’ve got to come over to this parking garage.” So we went over to this garage, and there was Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes, along with a few other people.

BERGEN: And what were they doing there?

QUESTED: Ostensibly, they said they were meeting to discuss the issue that Enrique felt he had, which was that he had brought extra capacity gun magazines into DC, which is illegal.

But there were also discussions about his communications and how they were potentially compromised. I heard him say, “I want to stay close to my boys,” and assumed he was having a discussion about where he was going to go next. But that’s all I heard.

I was close to them but at the request of Enrique Tarrio, I put down my camera. My colleague Nico Lupo, who was approximately 20 feet away from Tarrio and Rhodes, was filming from behind a car, so the mic wasn’t picking up the sound as well as we would have hoped.

BERGEN: Do you think it was a planning meeting for the following day?

QUESTED: I don’t know. I can’t say it was a planning meeting. I can tell you it looks pretty bad that you see the two leaders of the two groups that have been charged with seditious conspiracy in a meeting beforehand, but I can’t say what they were doing.

Reagan remarks on receiving the final report of the Special Review Board on the Iran-Contra scandal.
Opinion: History offers a surprising warning about January 6 hearing drama
BERGEN: What are your hopes for your film?

QUESTED: Well, so we pivoted from our film about why America is so divided to a film that looks at the 64 days from the 2020 presidential election to January 6, 2021.

BERGEN: Is there interest in this film?

QUESTED: It took a lot of time to get interest in this film. We made an experiential film, which was just footage from the day, and we submitted it to a bunch of film festivals and hardly even got a reply, and when we did get a reply, they were like, “No, thank you. We’re not here to give any oxygen to these people.” And I said, “But if we don’t discuss this and bring truth to light, then how are we going to make this better?”

So, our film wants to lay out the facts of what happened in those 64 days in a fair and objective manner as we possibly can.

BERGEN: How much time did you spend with the committee and their investigators?

QUESTED: I had a few interviews, but my testimony of record lasted for seven hours.

BERGEN: What were the key points that you made?

QUESTED: Basically, my testimony revolves around my footage. So, I was explaining the context for my footage and what I saw.

BERGEN: Your entire life is about reporting and making a narrative. Is that what the congressional committee is doing?

QUESTED: I think that is, but, you know, we’re in a world where the narrative is driven by the politics.

BERGEN: Do you think these hearings will lay out the evidentiary basis of what happened on January 6?


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QUESTED: I think they will. From my conversations and the line of questioning, I think that they have a group of investigative counsels that are legitimately interested in being able to show the truth and prove it.

BERGEN: And you didn’t have any problem cooperating with them as a journalist?

QUESTED: Look, I’m in the business of truth, and I think they’re in the business of truth, and however people use the truth, that’s not my interest. My interest is having the truth out there.

BERGEN: Did you ever imagine that you would be where you were testifying on Thursday night?

QUESTED: Oh, hell, no. I like to ask the questions. I don’t like answering questions.

Lov2fish 06-11-2022 08:30 PM

Why do you keep quoting useless mainstream media outlets on this shit? They are useless tools. Merely spin doctors who only want to sale add space, bullshit does that.

None of them fucktards can spell constitution, let alone its meaning or writing. There is no interpretation of the constitution. It is absolute. It was written in a way that a 5th. grade education would be able to understand it, and it was done on purpose as that was the average education level at its penning.

Racehorse 06-12-2022 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232531)
Biden didnt try to take over the nation by fraud and violence. What has happened since he became President is a separate issue. Trumps criminal attempt to usurp the will of the people was treasonous. He swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

Where is the evidence of voter fraud? One piece of PHYSICAL evidence?

Bill Barr said it, its bullshit

You still didn't answer the question.

JAFF 06-12-2022 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 232541)
You still didn't answer the question.

Biden is not the issue. Start a different thread. This is about the attempted coup buy Trump to usurp the transfer of power.

Biden didnt call a election official in Georgia. It was trump and he was recorded giving this request


I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Mr. Trump said during the conversation, according

That is election tampering, he’s the criminal.

JAFF 06-12-2022 08:36 AM

As requested , a different source


. The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack revealed at its inaugural hearing that Donald Trump’s top Republican allies in Congress sought pardons after the January 6 insurrection, a major disclosure that bolstered the claim that the event amounted to a coup and is likely to cause serious scrutiny for those implicated.

The news that multiple House Republicans asked the Trump White House for pardons – an apparent consciousness of guilt – was one of three revelations portending potentially perilous legal and political moments to come for Trump and his allies.

The first public hearing of the January 6 House committee will take place Thursday, 9 June 2022.
January 6 hearing: Trump was at heart of plot that led to ‘attempted coup’
Read more
At the hearing, the panel’s vice-chair Liz Cheney named only one Republican member of Congress, congressman Scott Perry, the current chair of the ultra conservative House freedom caucus, who sought a presidential pardon for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.


The select committee did not elaborate on which other House Republicans were asking for pardons or more significantly, for which crimes they were seeking pardons, but it appeared to show at the minimum that they knew they had been involved in likely illegal conduct.

The extraordinary claim also raised the prospect that the Republican members of Congress seeking clemency believed Trump’s election fraud claims were baseless: for why would they need pardons if they really were only raising legitimate questions about the election.

“It’s hard to find a more explicit statement of consciousness of guilt than looking for a pardon for actions you’ve just taken, assisting in a plan to overthrow the results of a presidential election,” Jamie Raskin, a member of the select committee, told reporters.

Willful blindness

The disclosure about the pardons came during the opening hour of the hearing where the panel made the case that Trump could not credibly believe he had won the 2020 election after some of his most senior advisors told him repeatedly that he had lost to Joe Biden.

Trump, according to videos of closed-door depositions played by the select committee, was told by his data experts he lost the election, told by former attorney general Bill Barr that his election fraud claims were “bullshit”, a conclusion Ivanka Trump said she accepted.


The admissions by some of Trump’s top aides are important since they could put federal prosecutors one step closer to being able to charge Trump with obstructing an official proceeding or defrauding the United States on the basis of election fraud claims he knew were false.

It’s hard to find a more explicit statement of consciousness of guilt than looking for a pardon for actions you’ve just taken
Jamie Raskin
At the heart of the case the panel appears to be trying to make is the legal doctrine of “willful blindness”, as former US attorney Joyce Vance wrote for MSNBC, which says a defendant cannot say they weren’t aware of something if they were credibly notified of the truth.

The potential case against Trump might take the form that he could not use, as his defense against charges he violated the law to stop Biden’s certification on January 6, that he believed there was election fraud, when he had been credibly notified it was “bullshit”.

Trump-Flynn-Powell meeting

Also in the first hour of the hearing, the select committee cast in a new light the contentious 18 December 2020 meeting Trump had at the White House with his former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and former Trump lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell.

The Guardian has reported extensively on that meeting, where Powell urged Trump to sign an executive order to seize voting machines and suspend normal law, based on Trump’s executive order 13848, and to appoint her special counsel to investigate election fraud.

Cheney confirmed the reporting by this newspaper and others, that the group discussed “dramatic steps” such as seizing voting machines, but also alluded to a potential discussion about somehow obstructing Biden’s election win certification.

The basis for that characterization, based on how Cheney described the late night meeting in the Oval Office that later continued in the White House residence, appears to be how Trump, just hours later, tweeted that there would be a “wild protest” on January 6.

It was not clear whether Cheney was laying the groundwork for the select committee to tie Trump into a conspiracy of some sort, claiming this represented two people entering an agreement and taking overt steps to accomplishing it – the legal standard for conspiracy.

But the “wild protest” phrase would shortly after be seized upon by some of the most prominent far-right political operatives.

Hours after Trump’s tweet, according to archived versions of its website, Stop the Steal changed its banner to advertise a “wild protest” before Ali Alexander, who led the movement, even applied for a permit to stage a rally on the east side of the Capitol on Januar

Why would a member of congress want a pardon, before even being charged with a crime?

JAFF 06-12-2022 11:19 AM

As requested, a different source

Spike 06-12-2022 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 232541)
You still didn't answer the question.

In Jaff's defense, it's impossible to answer the question Racehorse.

Racehorse 06-12-2022 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232542)
Biden is not the issue. Start a different thread. This is about the attempted coup buy Trump to usurp the transfer of power.

Biden didnt call a election official in Georgia. It was trump and he was recorded giving this request


That is election tampering, he’s the criminal.

I think Spike did that. You ignored it then, too.

AlwaysSunnyinIndy 06-12-2022 12:32 PM

Both the Trump and the Biden administrations have left a lot to be desired.

Both are dumpster fires.

I really hope another candidate emerges from either of the primaries other than Dumb and Dumber (you can pick which one is Biden and which one is Trump)

Unfortunately for our country, I think the next election will be a re-match of the last one.

JAFF 06-12-2022 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 232558)
I think Spike did that. You ignored it then, too.

Why did you remove the trump Quote to find votes

Truth sucks.

Spike 06-12-2022 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232542)
Biden is not the issue. Start a different thread. This is about the attempted coup buy Trump to usurp the transfer of power.

Biden didnt call a election official in Georgia. It was trump and he was recorded giving this request


That is election tampering, he’s the criminal.

There is already a thread on Biden/Harris. You have not said one word about how bad Biden has done anywhere in any of these threads. So I thought I would bring it up in this one.

My point is that most Americans don't give a shit about 1/6 anymore. Like Luv2Fish stated, this is impeach Trump 3.0. Primetime grandstanding political BS now. Pelosi handpicked her own lapdogs for this committee, which included 2 Rinos, fair justice I guess. There are real issues affecting Americans right now, can we not at least put some focus on that?

How about Schumer and this rant- I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. Is threatening SCOTUS not a criminal offense? I guess it's only criminal when a side you don't like does it.

It's okay to criticize both sides which you seem to have a problem with.

JAFF 06-12-2022 12:44 PM

Start a biden thread. I will show up.

People still care about the failed insurrection.

Racehorse 06-12-2022 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 232562)
Why did you remove the trump Quote to find votes

Truth sucks.

I removed nothing. I asked a question, which you continue to deflect from.

omahacolt 06-28-2022 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 232522)
Jaff, answer this question. You skipped this post altogether.

the clear answer is continued democracy

omahacolt 06-28-2022 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 232564)
There is already a thread on Biden/Harris. You have not said one word about how bad Biden has done anywhere in any of these threads. So I thought I would bring it up in this one.

My point is that most Americans don't give a shit about 1/6 anymore. Like Luv2Fish stated, this is impeach Trump 3.0. Primetime grandstanding political BS now. Pelosi handpicked her own lapdogs for this committee, which included 2 Rinos, fair justice I guess. There are real issues affecting Americans right now, can we not at least put some focus on that?

How about Schumer and this rant- I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. Is threatening SCOTUS not a criminal offense? I guess it's only criminal when a side you don't like does it.

It's okay to criticize both sides which you seem to have a problem with.

most americans do care about 1/6.

you trumpers do not. there will never be any evidence that would have you go against the team. which makes you trumpers impressive in your undying devotion to someone that couldn't give a fuck less.

you guys fall in line amazingly. which is why you are so successful when you are so terrible for americans. tow the party line always. never ever question what you are told from the party

Spike 06-29-2022 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 233293)
most americans do care about 1/6.

you trumpers do not. there will never be any evidence that would have you go against the team. which makes you trumpers impressive in your undying devotion to someone that couldn't give a fuck less.

you guys fall in line amazingly. which is why you are so successful when you are so terrible for americans. tow the party line always. never ever question what you are told from the party

Yeah you are right Omaha, unlike the other side which is so great for us Americans.

JAFF 06-29-2022 03:16 PM

Analysis: Trump's election lie becomes a big problem for MAGA Media
Analysis: Trump's election lie becomes a big problem for MAGA Media


. Donald Trump's Big Lie is becoming a big problem for the media outlets that comprise his powerful propaganda arm.
On the same day that the former president's scheme to remain in power was further exposed at another January 6 Committee hearing, Fox and OAN suffered legal defeats in court related to their advancement of his election lies. And last week, on Thursday, Newsmax also suffered a legal loss.
So far, the right-wing media outlets that peddled Trump's false election narratives have had little luck winning in court against the voting tech companies suing them for billions of dollars. It is early in the process, of course. But the string of defeats these media outlets have suffered indicate that these lawsuits have some teeth to them.

The cases also point toward the fact that Trump's election lies will be litigated in court, through multiple cases, regardless of whether the Department of Justice pursues charges against him or not...

The Murdochs and "malice"

The most significant legal development on Tuesday was in regard to Fox. As Bloomberg's Erik Larson and Mike Leonard reported, a judge ruled that Fox Corporation, Fox News' parent company, can be sued by Dominion "because Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch may have acted with 'actual malice' in directing the network to broadcast conspiracy theories alleging the 2020 presidential election was rigged."
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In the decision, Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric M. Davis cited reports that Murdoch privately expressed he knew Trump lost the election. Davis also cited editorials in other Murdoch-run outlets, such as The Wall Street Journal and New York Post, that condemned Trump and encouraged him to accept defeat.

"These allegations support a reasonable inference that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch either knew Dominion had not manipulated the election or at least recklessly disregarded the truth when they allegedly caused Fox News to propagate its claims about Dominion," Davis wrote. "Thus, Dominion has successfully brought home actual malice to the individuals at Fox Corporation who it claims to be responsible for the broadcasts."
The loss again raises the question as to whether Fox will try to settle the $1.6 billion lawsuit before it reaches the stage of discovery. And if it does attempt to settle, will Dominion allow it to do so? Or will the voting tech company, which has said it aims to clear its name through its lawsuits, want to see the case through?

>> Fox isn't commenting on the matter, though it has in the past defended its coverage and said it was "proud" of it. Bloomberg noted Fox's reps didn't respond to messages seeking comment. And when I checked in on Tuesday evening, I too didn't hear back...

OAN also loses in court
Meanwhile, the right-wing conspiracy channel OAN suffered a loss at the hands of a different voting tech company, Smartmatic. US District Judge Carl Nichols ruled against the media outlet on Tuesday, allowing Smartmatic's lawsuit to proceed, CNN's Tierney Sneed reported. OAN had sought a dismissal on grounds that Nichols' court didn't have jurisdiction. But Nichols rejected the argument...
>> OAN did not respond to my requests for comment on the matter..

"All because of lies"
For years now, Trump's lies and unproven conspiracy theories have been front and center in most of the media coverage about him. Rarely do we get to see the other side — the human toll of his incessant lying. But in Tuesday's 1/6 hearing, Wandrea "Shaye" Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman "flipped the script," as Marshall Cohen, Jeremy Herb, and Zachary Cohen wrote in their recap.

The two election workers from Georgia provided troubling and tearful accounts of what it was like to be targeted by Trump and conspiracy theorists who accused them of manipulating ballots. Moss said she "gained about 60 pounds," stopped going out, and added that she "second-guess[ed] everything" that she did. "It's affected my life in a major way, in every way — all because of lies," she said. The extremely online crowd might have some idea of what it's like to be targeted in this way, but Moss and Freeman's testimony brought into sharp relief for a national TV audience what it's like to have your life turned upside down because of the former president's lies...

Who's watching?
After what Jake Tapper called an "upsetting and distressing day of testimony," full of personal stories from election officials and workers "whose lives were upended by Donald Trump, by his minions, by his mobs, and by his election lies," one had to wonder about the impacts on the intended audiences. Political junkies are paying attention, and DOJ lawyers, but many Republicans continue to argue that the Trump-aligned audience has tuned it out. Former Trump WH chief of staff Mick Mulvaney cited Tuesday's "compelling testimony" but said, "Judging by the ratings (and FB comments) people who need to see that aren't watching. If the Committee wants to change minds, they need to reach people who think Trump won. That doesn't seem to be happening."

Fox showed the hearing again, but moved on very quickly afterward. ‪"They're methodically laying out this case," Bret Baier said on Fox later in the day.‬ But his guest, Sen. Tim Scott, ‪said "I have not taken the time to watch the hearings. I feel like the best use of my time is fighting the inflationary effects." He called the hearing "made for TV" ‬and said (answering Baier's question) that if Trump is the 2024 nominee, "of course we support him.‬"

Spike 06-29-2022 05:01 PM

You keep putting out shit from CNN Jaff. The most untrusted name in so called news. Brian Stelter??? The biggest lying, hypocritical clown there is.

CNN's ratings are going down the shit hole for good reason, people aren't watching their propaganda and lies anymore. How long did CNN+ last? 3 weeks?

Racehorse 06-29-2022 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 233337)
You keep putting out shit from CNN Jaff. The most untrusted name in so called news. Brian Stelter??? The biggest lying, hypocritical clown there is.

CNN's ratings are going down the shit hole for good reason, people aren't watching their propaganda and lies anymore. How long did CNN+ last? 3 weeks?

Let him have his fun. His hatred for anything Trump is obvious. They call it Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yes, Trump is no role model, but the hate is unreal.

rcubed 06-29-2022 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 233337)
You keep putting out shit from CNN Jaff. The most untrusted name in so called news. Brian Stelter??? The biggest lying, hypocritical clown there is.

CNN's ratings are going down the shit hole for good reason, people aren't watching their propaganda and lies anymore. How long did CNN+ last? 3 weeks?

tucker carlson.

JAFF 06-30-2022 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 233337)
You keep putting out shit from CNN Jaff. The most untrusted name in so called news. Brian Stelter??? The biggest lying, hypocritical clown there is.

CNN's ratings are going down the shit hole for good reason, people aren't watching their propaganda and lies anymore. How long did CNN+ last? 3 weeks?

They have broadcasted LIVE unedited, the 1-6 committee. Fox news didnt even mention it on the first day. And its pretty hard to trust OAN or Fox since they cant produce on shred of evidence on election fraud. Both are going to trial. They voting machine companies are going to force them to show evidence of their claims of voter fraud.

Your choice of news outlets relied on a guy who makes pillows for their evidence of voter fraud.

Fox is the nation's most highly rated cable news station and is a favorite of conservatives, Republicans and devotees of former President Donald Trump. But its live coverage of Thursday's Jan. 6 hearing was relegated to Fox Business Network, which is much more lightly viewed, and its digital sites.

To have shown the uninterrupted documentation of the concerted attack on the Capitol in January last year and the concurrent effort to thwart the November 2020 presidential elections would have been to present information that was unwelcome to many core Fox News viewers. After all, the committee's two leaders — Reps. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, a Democrat, and Liz Cheney of Wyoming, a Republican — directly blamed Trump for attempting to instigate a coup.

New revelations and 3 other takeaways from the first Jan. 6 committee hearing
New revelations and 3 other takeaways from the first Jan. 6 committee hearing
Liz Cheney offers a stark message to the GOP members who continue to support Trump
Liz Cheney offers a stark message to the GOP members who continue to support Trump
As it turned out, the hearings would also have repeatedly required Fox to have broadcast flat contradictions of what many leading Fox News personalities have told their audiences in the past year and a half — including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. Instead, their prime-time shows continued without commercial interruption Thursday, offering an alternate reality to a hearing that showed vivid and bloody detail of a national crisis.

They also did not point viewers to Fox's coverage on the network's other platforms.

Sponsor Message

At the hearing, Thompson and Cheney called out Fox and its personalities, sometimes implicitly, sometimes explicitly. Thompson denounced the conspiracy theories circulated to the public. In a three-part series, Carlson famously promoted the idea of a "Patriot Purge," saying honorable citizens participating in a legal protest on Jan. 6 were being wrongly persecuted by the Biden administration. His series relied on claims that had been largely discredited even before he aired them.

On Thursday night, Carlson told viewers the hearing was propaganda, even though he had not seen it. And Carlson dismissed the siege of the Capitol as mere vandalism. Many of those rioters were chanting for then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be brought to them in a climate of violence.

Group aiming to defund disinformation tries to drain Fox News of online advertising
Group aiming to defund disinformation tries to drain Fox News of online advertising
Hannity similarly minimized the harm done, even as Cheney was reading aloud the Fox host and frequent Trump adviser's texts to Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Off the air, Hannity warned that Trump shouldn't talk any more about overturning the election. Publicly, Hannity minimized the seriousness of the attacks after the first few days.

Cheney noted the admonition from William Barr, Trump's final confirmed attorney general, that the claims of election fraud were groundless and that the claims the voting machines of Dominion Voting Systems had been tampered with was "crazy stuff."

There's a good reason Fox News might not want to air that live, either — 1.6 billion reasons, to be precise. Fox had been filled with similar claims by its hosts, personalities and guests in the weeks following the 2020 elections. Dominion later sued Fox in a $1.6 billion defamation suit that is still pending. Fox's legal defense relies on the argument it was merely covering a public debate and statements of prominent figures. But not on Fox News. At least, not live, and not in prime time, on Thursday night.

JAFF 06-30-2022 07:25 AM

Here’s one from a Trump paper

The Jan. 6 commission and the news media, for some reason, decided to lean on hearsay instead of the firsthand accounts that show clearly how unfit former President Donald Trump is for office.

Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, gave the most explosive testimony to date, and it deserves attention. But the action movie moment that has excited liberal commentators, an account of President Trump supposedly grabbing a steering wheel or choking a Secret Service agent, is all hearsay, upon which subsequent reporting casts some doubt.

The other attention-grabbing detail supposedly drawn from Hutchinson’s testimony was what Trump said about men arriving at his White House rally with weapons. "They are not here to hurt me," Trump was reported to have said, waving away any need for security.

Trump’s supposed emphasis on “me” is pretty damning, as explained by a liberal NBC legal analyst:

This story is flawed, however. Hutchinson didn’t emphasize the “me” at all in her testimony. That was an addition by Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY). This doesn’t mean that Trump is innocent, nor that Liz Cheney is a liar. It just means that the conclusions drawn from Cheney’s presentation or the tweets repeating it are speculations upon speculations, as explained by my colleague Jerry Dunleavy.

If we are to take anything from what these hearings (and the 2021 impeachment hearings) have taught us, it is that we need to move away from the game of telephone and focus instead on the firsthand accounts of what Donald Trump said and did that day.

Hutchinson was backstage at the White House rally on Jan. 6. She had testified previously that Trump “was very concerned about the shot, meaning the photograph we would get, because the rally space wasn’t full.”

Hutchinson said she heard Trump blame the metal detectors, more formally called magnetometers, abbreviated as “mags.”

“He felt the mags were at fault for not letting everybody in,” she said. “He was angry that we weren’t letting people through the mags with weapons.” Some attendees were being turned away, while others were declining to enter the White House lawn for fear of having their weapons confiscated, Hutchinson testified.

Hutchinson testified that she overheard Trump “say something to the effect of, ‘I don’t care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me. Take the effing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the effing mags away.’”

“They’re not here to hurt me” in that context is quite different from “they’re not here to hurt me.” The latter would be an admission that his supporters, whom he would then encourage to march to the Capitol, were there to hurt someone else. But again, that interpretation is not supported by Hutchinson’s testimony, in which the “me” was un-emphasized.

But the former reading, while less damning, is still damaging to Trump. Stipulating that Trump didn’t believe that armed supporters were there to harm Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or U.S. senators ready to ratify the Electoral College votes, this testimony still paints Trump as a reckless narcissist.

Trump wanted armed men on the White House lawn. He then wanted them to march from the White House to the Capitol, armed, in order to stop Congress from ratifying his opponent's election victory. That is not the way a leader behaves if he values peace or the functioning of democracy enough to spend a moment thinking things through.

A good shepherd, upon learning that his flock had arrived armed, would have tried to defuse the situation. For starters, he would have cared for his followers’ safety. Marching to the Capitol, with Congress in session, while armed — even if only with a spear or handcuffs or pepper spray — is a good way to ensure bad outcomes, whether arrest, injury, or death.

Of course, a morally fit leader would care about more than just his own followers. He would care also about the Capitol Police and the Secret Service. He would steer as far away as possible from a physical threat to lawmakers (even the opposition).

But Donald Trump wasn’t a morally fit leader or a good shepherd. The only downside he could imagine to an armed crowd was that it could pose a physical threat to himself. Ruling out harm to himself, he considered their weapons (and what they signified about the mindset of the gathered thousands) to be harmless. That doesn’t mean he wanted Pence or Pelosi harmed or expected his followers to try and harm Pence or Pelosi. But at best, Trump didn’t give a second’s thought to the possibility of harm to others.

This man was commander in chief of our military and wants to be so again. He was ultimately in charge of the FBI, the Capitol Police, the Secret Service, and every other federal law enforcement agency. He conducted diplomacy with implications for the life and safety of all sorts of Americans. We ought to be disturbed that he evidently disregarded peace and the safety of others, so long as his own safety was not at stake.

It’s not news that Trump was unfit to lead the federal government, but the new evidence puts that fact into better focus. Every Republican who cares about the country should work to ensure Trump is not their nominee in 2024.

JAFF 07-01-2022 07:34 PM

New York Post (Murdoch owned)
Jan. 6 hearings are flawed — but Republicans can’t ignore Trump’s bad behavior

Is the Republican party starting to move past Donald Trump? A poll published this week showed that the former president remains the favorite candidate of 53% of Republican voters. But his numbers are slipping, and other candidates are on the rise.

Most noticeable is Ron DeSantis. The same poll showed almost a quarter of Republican voters putting the Florida governor up as their favored nominee. And his numbers are only rising, while Trump’s are only falling. Several polls in recent weeks have even shown DeSantis pulling ahead of Trump.

One reason is obvious. The conclusion that the Jan. 6 hearings are arriving at.

Like a lot of people, I thought at the start of the hearings that the whole thing was little more than partisan political theater. It still seems pretty disgraceful that one political side can effectively carry out a political trial of the other. The Republicans have not solicited a couple of Democrats to form a committee looking into the violence and looting across America in the summer of 2020. Or tried to find which Democrat politicians and media should take responsibility for whipping that along.

Cassidy Hutchinson
Cassidy Hutchinson accused Trump of trying to take the wheel from Secret Service agents who would not take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6.
So you might say that of course the committee was going to find Donald Trump guilty. If that had been all that happened then Republicans might have been able to ignore it.

But what is very hard to ignore is the evidence that has come out from those closest to Trump — including his advisers and family. Every day of the hearings we have been able to learn exactly what the president was doing during those crucial days and hours.

Without the hearings we would not have known that Trump had been told by his closest advisers that he had lost the election and that there was no way around that. Without the hearings we might not have known how Trump and his family used the money they demanded from supporters to help “stop the steal.”

Liz Cheney
The investigation into the Jan. 6 riot has not been the political theater many expected it to be.
We would not have known that Ivanka Trump heard her father on the phone telling Vice President Pence he was a “p—y” for not helping to overturn the election results.

Or that Trump was informed that some of his supporters were arriving in the capital with weapons on Jan. 6 but shrugged it off saying “They´re not here to hurt me.”

We wouldn’t have known that Trump sent out his tweet attacking Pence when he had already been told that violence had erupted at the Capitol. Or that he would respond to news that some protestors were chanting “Hang Mike Pence” by saying Pence “deserves” it. Far from being the partisan nothing-burger that some of us expected, every day of hearings has details that would shock a chronicler of the last days of Rome.

This week’s revelation that Trump had wanted to join the crowd as they marched on the Capitol was bad enough. The news that he allegedly made a lunge for the steering wheel of the presidential limo when he was told he was being returned to the White House not the Capitol is a detail that his worst critics could not have dreamed up. It may be a hotly contested claim, but nobody is denying he wanted to join the crowd.

Jan. 6 riot
Trump verbally attacked Vice President Mike Pence for not overturning the election.
We now know how Trump refused to leave office, ignored everyone telling him he had lost, whipped up a conspiracy theory, drew a crowd to the Capitol and then encouraged some of them to behave utterly shamefully.

Supporters of Trump often tell me that he is the right’s best fighter — and that in order to win an election you have to send your best fighter into the ring. But the truth is that at this stage Trump is a deeply wounded fighter, who is wounding his own side while giving gift after gift to their opponents. He ignored the most basic foundations of democracy, including respecting election results and ensuring the peaceful handover of power. If that is not disqualifying it is hard to know what is.


The Jan. 6 incitement case against Trump only gets stronger
It would be understandable for Republicans to try to ignore what has come out. But it would also be disastrous. For while die-hard loyalists of Trump may have wanted to look away, the rest of the country has not.

In the coming months I would expect more and more Republicans voters to quietly come to the conclusion that this deeply tainted man cannot be their candidate. They will then begin cohering around a candidate who can thank Trump for what good things he did and then take it from there.

That may be little comfort for Republicans, so let me at least offer one bit of good news. Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans have a good bench. Their front-runners aren’t all in their eighties. They’re successful — even popular.

The Republicans aren´t finished. But the Donald Trump era surely must be.

CletusPyle 07-01-2022 09:15 PM

JAFF 07-02-2022 08:12 AM

Heres more Murdoch news on trump
You wanted trump paper news, here it is


. The Jan. 6 Commission is a Democratic campaign ad, a thinly veiled partisan exercise — aired in primetime, with the cooperation of a liberal press — to bolster a failed Joe Biden presidency.

But rather than ignore it or look to the future, Donald Trump, the King Lear of Mar-a-Lago, decided to tweet — er, Truth — yet another statement confirming that he refuses to accept reality. “January 6th was not simply a protest,” he wrote, “it represented the greatest movement in the history of our Country to Make America Great Again.”

It wasn’t, of course. It was a national shame. One that neither Democrats nor Trump can stop obsessing over. It’s time for Republicans to move on.

This isn’t 2016, when the country was sleepwalking toward a Hillary Clinton coronation, and Trump was the only one pugnacious enough to say it doesn’t have to be this way.

He refused to accept that the southern border should be lawless and that China should be allowed to steal jobs. He knew, unapologetically, that the economy flourished under low taxes and little government interference. He pulled off one of the most jaw-dropping upsets in American political history, and — though the liberal media will never admit it — oversaw a term of mostly peace and prosperity.
And this:

The headline is damning

The Evidence of the Jan. 6 Committee
It’s a reminder of the violence and how Trump betrayed his supporters.

That would be you Spike

JAFF 07-02-2022 11:20 AM

Steve Bannon Says Fox News Has 'Turned on Trump,' Favors DeSantis


Rupert Murdoch's media empire has "turned on" former president Donald Trump, according to Trump's longtime adviser Steve Bannon.

Bannon made the comments in a Gettr post responding to a Vanity Fair article that pointed out how columnists at several of the media tycoon's U.S. newspapers have been urging readers to "dump Trump" and back Republicans with a better chance of regaining the White House in 2024.

"The game's up for the Donald… It's time Republicans put their faith in the Ronald," Piers Morgan wrote in a recent column for the New York Post, referring to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The piece also outlined how Fox News has been giving DeSantis a national spotlight ahead of a possible 2024 presidential run.

"The Murdochs —-Australians via England—not American, have never sacrificed anything for this Country—their entire media Empire has turned on Trump — Fox News, Wall Street Journal , New York Post , Times of London , The Sun etc etc etc——all lockstep against Trump," Bannon said in a post on Gettr.

Murdoch "has zero 'feel' for America or Americans— I know this first hand —from 2015 and 2016," Bannon added. "Fear not — we've got this."

Bannon has continued to falsely claim that Trump won the 2020 election as the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol holds televised hearings detailing how Trump's efforts to overturn the election led to his supporters violently storming the building in a bid to disrupt Congress from certifying Joe Biden's victory.

"Trump knew he won because he did win—and he was told and shown he did win REPEATEDLY... watch WarRoom from those days of November thru Inauguration day," Bannon said on Gettr last week, referring to his right-wing podcast, War Room.

Bannon was chief executive of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign before serving as chief strategist in the White House until August 2017.

In August 2020, Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering connected to a crowdfunding campaign that claimed to be raising funds to help Trump construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Prosecutors said Bannon and three others used the funds to enrich themselves.

Bannon was pardoned by Trump shortly before he left office on January 20, 2021.

Last November, the Department of Justice announced that Bannon had been indicted on two counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the committee investigating the Capitol attack.

A federal judge last week rejected Bannon's efforts to dismiss the case. He is facing trial on the charges in July.

Newsweek has reached out to Bannon, Fox News, Trump's spokeswoman and DeSantis' office for comment.

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