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Colts And Orioles 03-25-2024 03:57 PM

NFL Owners Approve Ban on Swivel Hip-Drop Tackling Technique

Defensive players in the NFL have had to (try to) adapt to the NFL banning certain types of hits. I believe that the reason why this particular tackle is seen a lot now and was not seen nearly as much 40 or 50 years ago is BECAUSE THE PLAYERS HAVE TRIED to avoid getting penalized for these now outlawed tackled (can't hit them too high, can't hit them too low, can't hit them in the head, can't hit them in the neck, can't "drive them to the ground", can't hit a defenseless receiver, etc) ...... so the defensive players have adapted this type of "wrapping up and throwing to the ground" tackling, which is a big part of this banned maneuver.

So the offensive player can keep his legs pumping all he wants to try to break a tackle, and that is called "second effort." ...... but now, the defensive player cannot wrap up a ball-carrier and throw him to the ground. He needs to just wrap him up, and hope that the referee blows the whistle for forward-motion before the ball-carrier breaks the hold of the defender and runs for more yardage.

Tackle football is an inherently violent game. You're not going to change that, no matter how much you penalize and/or emasculate the defensive players......what you will do (and what you HAVE done) is drive all of the offensive statistics through the roof (particularly the passing statistics) so that even the average quarterbacks of today have video game-like statistics that dwarf those of the great quarterbacks of the past.

NFL Owners Approve Ban on Swivel Hip-Drop Tackling Technique

(ESPN News Services)


nate505 03-25-2024 09:49 PM

If the refs are too slow to stop a play due to the stop of forward progress, the NFLPA and the fans should create a firestorm over this. It's getting to be fucking ridiculous.

That said, if they actually do blow the whistle when forward progress is stopped I don't have a big issue with it.

Racehorse 03-26-2024 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by nate505 (Post 294840)
If the refs are too slow to stop a play due to the stop of forward progress, the NFLPA and the fans should create a firestorm over this. It's getting to be fucking ridiculous.

That said, if they actually do blow the whistle when forward progress is stopped I don't have a big issue with it.

That is a mighty big IF. They do not call it consistently.

njcoltfan 03-26-2024 07:40 AM

Pretty soon the NFL will be a flag football league !! Can't hit them high, can't hit them low, now you can"t drag them down from behind !! When will the rules committee outlaw the rugby scrum?? It's going to be a fun year watching the Zebras interpret this rule, a rule change the players are against by the way.

ChaosTheory 03-26-2024 07:47 AM

Add another one for the "future lawsuits" file cabinet.

ChoppedWood 03-26-2024 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by njcoltfan (Post 294848)
Pretty soon the NFL will be a flag football league !! Can't hit them high, can't hit them low, now you can"t drag them down from behind !! When will the rules committee outlaw the rugby scrum?? It's going to be a fun year watching the Zebras interpret this rule, a rule change the players are against by the way.

Not going to convince me that we aren't watching Roger negotiate with Vegas on how to give his zebras more ability to fuck with the numbers.

This motherfucker is the most corrupt money takin' scumbag sports has ever seen. Not a damn thing this stooge does is about any kind of safety, every change has to do with him allowing gambling influence to control the outcomes. Vince McMahon aint got shit on Roger in terms of rigging the finish.

NFL is a scam man and dude don't even try to hide it anymore...

ChaosTheory 03-27-2024 09:38 AM

Did everybody see the new kickoff rules? Pretty interesting. I would still prefer to go back to the old rules on most of this stuff...

But compared to what the recent changes with fair catches and whatnot... this seems a lot better than that at least. Certainly more entertaining.

Now everyone is going to be on the same side of the field, 5-yard neutral zone, "Landing Zone" is basically the Redzone. If the kick doesn't hit the Landing Zone, you're penalized (endzone = 30yd line, sideline = 40yd line like always).

So it seems like there will be an incentive to at least keep the ball in play. That, at the very least, should be better than what it's been which is watching a guy kick, hearing a ref whistle, and then we can play football again.

rcubed 03-27-2024 09:23 PM

So does that basically eliminate the on side kick?

Colts And Orioles 03-27-2024 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by rcubed (Post 294977)

So does that basically eliminate the on-side kick ???


No, but it eliminates the surprise onside kick ...... if you plan an on-side kick you must notify the officials, and they notify the other team.

And if you are trying an on-side kick, all of the previous rules apply in regard where everybody lines up, and when they can cross the kick-off line.


ChaosTheory 03-27-2024 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Colts And Orioles (Post 294979)

No, but it eliminates the surprise onside kick ...... if you plan an on-side kick you must notify the officials, and they notify the other team.

And if you are trying an on-side kick, all of the previous rules apply in regard where everybody lines up, and when they can cross the kick-off line.


And from what I understand, only in the 4th quarter?

Colts And Orioles 03-27-2024 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosTheory (Post 294980)

And from what I understand, only in the 4th quarter ???


I don't know ...... I'm anticipating for when Goodell and his cronies enact a rule that makes the defense tell the opponent when they are blitzing.


njcoltfan 03-28-2024 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Colts And Orioles (Post 294982)

I don't know ...... I'm anticipating for when Goodell and his cronies enact a rule that makes the defense tell the opponent when they are blitzing.


And witch "9"players will be playing !!!! Jesus, give me the days of single bar face masks, muddy fields and straight on field goal kickers ....................................Please

Racehorse 03-28-2024 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosTheory (Post 294924)
Did everybody see the new kickoff rules? Pretty interesting. I would still prefer to go back to the old rules on most of this stuff...

But compared to what the recent changes with fair catches and whatnot... this seems a lot better than that at least. Certainly more entertaining.

Now everyone is going to be on the same side of the field, 5-yard neutral zone, "Landing Zone" is basically the Redzone. If the kick doesn't hit the Landing Zone, you're penalized (endzone = 30yd line, sideline = 40yd line like always).

So it seems like there will be an incentive to at least keep the ball in play. That, at the very least, should be better than what it's been which is watching a guy kick, hearing a ref whistle, and then we can play football again.

Seems odd, given they tried hard to eliminate returns not too long ago.

Racehorse 03-28-2024 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Colts And Orioles (Post 294979)

No, but it eliminates the surprise onside kick ...... if you plan an on-side kick you must notify the officials, and they notify the other team.

And if you are trying an on-side kick, all of the previous rules apply in regard where everybody lines up, and when they can cross the kick-off line.


What is the penalty for notifying and then kicking it long?

Colts And Orioles 03-30-2024 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 295024)

What is the penalty for notifying, and then kicking it long ???


Good question ...... one could argue that since an offensive lineman who reports as an eligible receiver DOES NOT NECESSARILY have to have the ball thrown to him, then a team reporting an on-side kick shouldn't necessarily have to kick the ball short.

In fact, you could kick the ball deep and claim that that is indeed an attempt for an on-side kick ...... if the kicker boots the ball 60 yards to the opponent's 5-yardline and his teammates recover the ball, then the ball belongs to them, just as it would if the kicker had squibbed the ball 10 or 15 yards.


Dam8610 03-30-2024 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Colts And Orioles (Post 295063)

Good question ...... one could argue that since an offensive lineman who reports as an eligible receiver DOES NOT NECESSARILY have to have the ball thrown to him, then a team reporting an on-side kick shouldn't necessarily have to kick the ball short.

In fact, you could kick the ball deep and claim that that is indeed an attempt for an on-side kick ...... if the kicker boots the ball 60 yards to the opponent's 5-yardline and his teammates recover the ball, then the ball belongs to them, just as it would if the kicker had squibbed the ball 10 or 15 yards.


So what you're saying is notify that every kickoff is an onside kick to regain the element of aurprise.

Colts And Orioles 03-30-2024 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dam8610 (Post 295064)

So what you're saying is to notify that every kickoff is an on-side kick, in order to regain the element of surprise.


Actually, I'm just talking out of my ass ...... if Goodell and company are going to make a joke out of the game with all of their Ralph Kramden/hair-brained rule schemes, we may as well try to have a few laughs here on the Colt Freaks forum.


PowayColt 03-30-2024 07:31 PM

I thought I heard somewhere that onsides kicks would only be allowed in the final few minutes of the game. I'm not sure on that but that rumor is out there.

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