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Lov2fish 06-06-2021 07:04 PM

I don't think it so much they support Biden, it's how much they hate Trump. Biden has to have the staff mark his shoes every morning with an L & R so he knows. If they support him, that answers everything. Fucking soft ass vaginas are just looking to be offended. I'll oblige em.

AlwaysSunnyinIndy 06-07-2021 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 195100)
Biden may not be a puppet for Putin, but he sure as hell is one for China and every other country that will put money in his and his son's pocket. Wake up for the love of God.

I agree that Biden's son didn't really exercise that good of judgment taking that paying board position where he had little if no prior relevant work experience in that industry. That definitely was not a good look.

However, it is interesting that you raise "China" as an issue because Trump's kids were profiting off his presidency in China. The Trump corporation and Ivanka in particular received many "favors" from China in an attempt to try to make the elder Trump happy.

Just a bit of background on my views - in the 2016 election, I voted third party. I hated BOTH of the candidates from the two major political parties - so I made a protest vote. I knew that my state was going to be a landslide anyway so the Electoral College votes weren't going to be affected by my protest vote.

I view Trump as a RINO. I know that people like to use RINO (Republican in Name Only) for moderate conservatives. But Trump isn't a conservative at all. He is a Populist. He is an Opportunist. If he would have delayed his first run for President until 2020 - he would have run as a Democrat because the 2020 Democratic Primary was similar to the 2016 Republican Primary - just a huge scrum of candidates.

JAFF 06-11-2021 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by AlwaysSunnyinIndy (Post 195164)
I agree that Biden's son didn't really exercise that good of judgment taking that paying board position where he had little if no prior relevant work experience in that industry. That definitely was not a good look.

However, it is interesting that you raise "China" as an issue because Trump's kids were profiting off his presidency in China. The Trump corporation and Ivanka in particular received many "favors" from China in an attempt to try to make the elder Trump happy.

Just a bit of background on my views - in the 2016 election, I voted third party. I hated BOTH of the candidates from the two major political parties - so I made a protest vote. I knew that my state was going to be a landslide anyway so the Electoral College votes weren't going to be affected by my protest vote.

I view Trump as a RINO. I know that people like to use RINO (Republican in Name Only) for moderate conservatives. But Trump isn't a conservative at all. He is a Populist. He is an Opportunist. If he would have delayed his first run for President until 2020 - he would have run as a Democrat because the 2020 Democratic Primary was similar to the 2016 Republican Primary - just a huge scrum of candidates.

Trump is not a rhino. Trump is for Trump he could fucking care less about anybody else.

Spike 06-16-2021 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 195438)
Trump is not a rhino. Trump is for Trump he could fucking care less about anybody else.

Oh, and what politician isn't for their own self? Do you think Biden gives a shit about you? Do you think Kamala Harris gives a shit about you?

I only truly look at results, not what the lying media tries to tell us.

Trump was already a Multi-Billionaire when he took office, not a politician who got rich because of politics.

The leftist media keeps feeding you lies and you all soak it in like it is the gospel. The leftists are ruining this country and if you can't see that, well, I can't help you.

People who hate Trump and voted for Biden for that reason only are not only stupid, but they don't give a damn about this country. Just a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter.

Spike 06-23-2021 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 189483)
I'm a lifelong registered Republican and would like to buy you a drink. I will never vote republican as long as the party identifies with Trump. Trumps legacy will be 600 000 dead Americans due to a lack of leadership and denial.

No one man has done more damage to this country than Trump.

This is complete BS.

Man Jaff, you are so delusional. Typical liberals keep shitting on Trump for no damn reason. Hard working Americans were doing well under the Trump administration.

Yet you and the other liberals give a pass to people like Biden and Harris who are basically fucking this country over. Other countries feared Trump (which is really good for us), they laugh at Biden (which is really bad for us). Democrats and in fairness, some republicans are pathological liars.

If you can't see that America was way better off under Trump than this current administration, there's no helping you.

The democrats and the media (especially CNN) are the ones ruining this country, Trump wasn't.

Yeah, but the Orange man is bad because the media keeps feeding you that BS.

H.R. 1 didn't pass, thank God. Hell yes you should have a valid ID to vote and how in the hell is that suppression? What do these democrats think, black and latinos aren't smart enough to get one? But really, that's not the case, they want illegals and criminals to be able to vote for THEM. The Democrats will do anything to get their non American agenda into office, and they don't give a damn about a free and honest election.

Just thought I would throw this in here. Give Atlanta back the Baseball All Star game. They moved that game to Denver, who has a majority of white people and the same damn laws that Atlanta put into affect. Who did the MLB decision hurt, black business owners, that's who. The sorry ass media keeps feeding the public lies and people don't do enough research to fight back.

Here's a little quiz for you Jaff, name me a few democratic ran cities/states that are doing better than South Dakota, Florida or Texas. I use to live in California, but moved the hell out because the democrats were killing me financially and emotionally. Who runs California, Newsome, Pelosi, Watters. All democrats and they taxed me to the point of no return. California use to be a great state, not anymore. SF and LA are shit holes now. Both cities look like 3rd world countries. Damn shame.

Here are the two guys I would vote for if they ran in 2024.


Why? Because they care about America and have common damn sense.

Having said all that, I don't like all republicans either.

So you can sit here and spout out all of your shit Jaff, I'm just not buying it.

Spike 06-23-2021 12:38 PM

I have a question for you Jaff, since you claim to be a long time republican, which I fucking really doubt. What is your opinion of Biden/Harris. What have they accomplished at this point? Give me facts, not your fucking opinion.

JAFF 06-23-2021 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 196001)
I have a question for you Jaff, since you claim to be a long time republican, which I fucking really doubt. What is your opinion of Biden/Harris. What have they accomplished at this point? Give me facts, not your fucking opinion.

It’s not about Biden/Harris. It’s about Donald Trump lifting up the dress on Lady liberty and fucking her in the ass. Donald Trump doesn’t give a flying rats ass about anybody other than himself. He had a fake charity so he could shuffle money to his kids. That’s a fact go look it up. The only reason he has money is that he’s leveraged to his eyeballs.

Stop believing the Donald Trump gives a flying shit about you he doesn’t. Wanna know why he turned on the NFL? Because the commissioner football told him he would never get a team. Why you ask? Because they already had Jones in Dallas and they didn’t need another asshole.

Which is why former governor Pence can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. He was supposed to go to a game that was honoring Peyton Manning and he walked out because a couple of players took a knee during the national anthem.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. You pray on your knees. You asked for God‘s forgiveness on your knees. All those players wanted was to make a point about how minorities are treated. That’s part of free speech. Let me say that again free speech. Pence walked out on Peyton Manning’s biggest day and cost the city $100,000 for his security.

Far as I’m concerned Donald Trump and Mike Pence can go take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut. And if you can find out who first said that I’ll give you extra credit and I’ll give you a hint he was a Hoosier.

So now spike you can go take a flying fuck at the moon. That’s a quote from the same guy so while you’re at it hit a doughnut

Spike 06-24-2021 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 196020)
It’s not about Biden/Harris. It’s about Donald Trump lifting up the dress on Lady liberty and fucking her in the ass. Donald Trump doesn’t give a flying rats ass about anybody other than himself. He had a fake charity so he could shuffle money to his kids. That’s a fact go look it up. The only reason he has money is that he’s leveraged to his eyeballs.

Stop believing the Donald Trump gives a flying shit about you he doesn’t. Wanna know why he turned on the NFL? Because the commissioner football told him he would never get a team. Why you ask? Because they already had Jones in Dallas and they didn’t need another asshole.

Which is why former governor Pence can go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. He was supposed to go to a game that was honoring Peyton Manning and he walked out because a couple of players took a knee during the national anthem.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. You pray on your knees. You asked for God‘s forgiveness on your knees. All those players wanted was to make a point about how minorities are treated. That’s part of free speech. Let me say that again free speech. Pence walked out on Peyton Manning’s biggest day and cost the city $100,000 for his security.

Far as I’m concerned Donald Trump and Mike Pence can go take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut. And if you can find out who first said that I’ll give you extra credit and I’ll give you a hint he was a Hoosier.

So now spike you can go take a flying fuck at the moon. That’s a quote from the same guy so while you’re at it hit a doughnut

Jaff, you and your liberal friends are what is wrong with this country. Little things that don't affect you or me trigger you. You posted a lot of shit against Trump that doesn't affect me one damn bit. Is that all you got? Yes, I have a big damn problem with athletes who take a knee during the national anthem, why, because my whole family and friends fought in wars for that national anthem, pricks like you want to disrespect it. Yes, we take a knee for the one and only Great Jesus Christ, it's not the same thing you ignorant POS. Why don't you go waste your time kissing the ass of that transgender POS who wants to burn the American flag if she/he/it gets to the podium. My daughter married a black man, who I greatly respect. You and the people like you, Don Lemon, Chrissy Cuomo, Oprah, Beyhard, and well the list goes on and on are the problem in this country.

If you don't like this great country, move. Nobody is stopping you.

You love to bash Trump, but you say absolutely nothing about Biden/Harris who are fucking you and me. You are nothing but a fucking puppet. Grow a set set of balls dumb ass.

JAFF 06-24-2021 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 196071)
Jaff, you and your liberal friends are what is wrong with this country. Little things that don't affect you or me trigger you. You posted a lot of shit against Trump that doesn't affect me one damn bit. Is that all you got? Yes, I have a big damn problem with athletes who take a knee during the national anthem, why, because my whole family and friends fought in wars for that national anthem, pricks like you want to disrespect it. Yes, we take a knee for the one and only Great Jesus Christ, it's not the same thing you ignorant POS. Why don't you go waste your time kissing the ass of that transgender POS who wants to burn the American flag if she/he/it gets to the podium. My daughter married a black man, who I greatly respect. You and the people like you, Don Lemon, Chrissy Cuomo, Oprah, Beyhard, and well the list goes on and on are the problem in this country.

If you don't like this great country, move. Nobody is stopping you.

You love to bash Trump, but you say absolutely nothing about Biden/Harris who are fucking you and me. You are nothing but a fucking puppet. Grow a set set of balls dumb ass.

It is not possible to disrespect this country when you exercise one of the essential freedoms which is the freedom of speech.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. When I pray I take a knee. And no it doesn’t bother me when someone burns the American flag. It makes me wonder why are they so pissed off to do this. So I want to hear what they have to say rather than damn them without listening.

I don’t have to be equal and fair when talking about Donald Trump and comparing them to his opponent. I’m not a big fan of either of the Democrats, but they’re not the big problem right now. When you have a former president who is impeached twice and then spent the last days of his office creating a huge lie about the election.

After four years the American people will have a chance to make a decision about having a new administration or keeping the old office holders. Let’s just hope we don’t have another attempted coup.

Spike 06-24-2021 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 196076)
It is not possible to disrespect this country when you exercise one of the essential freedoms which is the freedom of speech.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. When I pray I take a knee. And no it doesn’t bother me when someone burns the American flag. It makes me wonder why are they so pissed off to do this. So I want to hear what they have to say rather than damn them without listening.

I don’t have to be equal and fair when talking about Donald Trump and comparing them to his opponent. I’m not a big fan of either of the Democrats, but they’re not the big problem right now. When you have a former president who is impeached twice and then spent the last days of his office creating a huge lie about the election.

After four years the American people will have a chance to make a decision about having a new administration or keeping the old office holders. Let’s just hope we don’t have another attempted coup.

Damn Jaff, not only are you anti American, but you are a dumb ass. Burning the flag is ok with you? Say that to my dad, 2 uncles and my 3 cousins and lastly the 2 friends we lost in combat, Here are their names Chuck Still and Ronnie Harris. It sure as hell is not ok with me. Biden/Harris are not the problem right now? All I have to say to that statement is they sure as hell are the problem. Trump is not in office right now, he is only in your brain because you allow him to be. That's how weak ass people believe. Trump was impeached twice because he wasn't a bought and paid for politician.

Keep worshiping Pelosi, Knadler, Watters, Biden, Harris, Schumer, CNN,
Goldberg, and the list goes on. You piss on Trump, but never heard you say a word against these people.

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