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Ironshaft 08-15-2020 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165914)
He has been violating the emoluments clause in the constitution since he took office. He is using the office of the president for personal gain. He uses Mar-A-Lago, they rent out the whole place and bill the taxpayers. That money goes to his corporation. He has tried to get other officials to use Trump properties. He pushed hydroxychloroquine as President when he was invested in a company making it. Those are violations of the emoluments clause.

Not to nitpick, but the question was how Trump has trampled our Constitutional rights. Those rights laid out in the Constitution and through Amendment to that Constitution.

You have pointed out something that you believe is happening (assuming you are not a prosecuting attorney in a case against the President) that would be illegal for the President to engage in.

That is not a trampling of any citizen right as stated in the Constitution or Amendments. That is illegal activity (if proven) by a Presidential administration.

Those are two very different things.


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165914)
He also tried to say that the President had total authority over the governors to open states back up when they shut down over covid. He said : “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s got to be. … It’s total. The governors know that.” He thought he could subvert state's rights.

Okay, he said that. Can you please point me to the link that shows a signed Executive Directive ordering a state Governor to open their economy, please? What? He did not sign an Executive Directive ordering a state to open?

Sorry, even Presidents have 1st amendment rights. Trump can say whatever he wants, even from the press room of the White House. It makes for bad optics and bad politics but it is not illegal nor does it actually have ANY effect until he signs an official order directive or bill making it into a law, it is just talk.


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165914)
He tried to delay the election and got rebuked even from his own party for wanting to do that.

Sorry, a twitter post is not an attempt to "delay" the election. Again, even Presidents have 1st amendment rights.


I don't like Trump the man. I think he sucks.

However, honestly, the SIGNED policies, directives and laws that have come out of his White House have been much more pleasing to me than I ever thought a lifelong NY liberal would ever do.

But, be honest about his faults. He has not taken a single Constitutionally granted right away from a single U.S. citizen during his Presidency.

However, Biden and Harris have both said time and time again that they plan on limiting the right to own firearms which is directly counter to what the Constitution states is a citizen right that "shall not be infringed."

11 May 2019: Former Vice President Joe Biden admitted that the “Second Amendment exists” but stressed during his speech in New Hampshire on Tuesday that it does not say everyone is “entitled” to own a gun.

Sorry Maniac, but if you would point out not generalities of issues you don't like about the President but instead show an actual limiting of a Constitutional right, I would love to hear it.

TheMugwump 08-15-2020 04:40 PM

The right to peaceably assemble comes to mind.

You know, having stormtroopers fire tear gas and rubber bullets at folks exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

But other than that, yeah, he's perfectly harmless...

JAFF 08-15-2020 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165911)
Really? Then why is Biden and Harris trying to get rid of the 2nd amendment? I like you Maniac, but don't be a fucking sheep for these dumb asses. Biden has said he's coming after the NRA, fuck him.

Really? When?

Spike 08-15-2020 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 165947)
Really? When?

Biden has stated he wants a limit on gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

I live in California who has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation, but it looks like the NRA won a court battle here.

Dam8610 08-15-2020 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ironshaft (Post 165938)
But, be honest about his faults. He has not taken a single Constitutionally granted right away from a single U.S. citizen during his Presidency.

He had peaceful protestors removed from the streets by unidentified federal agents in Portland. That is a direct violation of those protestors' first amendment rights.

rm1369 08-15-2020 09:48 PM

Let me ask, how can Biden and Harris trample on constitutional rights? They would be checked by the courts just as any president would be. It comes down to YOUR view what is a constitutional right. All rights have limits. There are limits on the 2nd amendment that constitutional scholars disagree on. Hell, Supreme Court judges disagree on them. Biden can not do away with the 2nd amendment. He can chip around the fringes at areas some think are protected and others think aren’t. But any insinuation he will write an executive order that would do away with it is complete and utter BS. And if he tried it would be quickly struck down in the courts.

As to Trump, he has infringed on the constitution in plenty of ways in many people’s opinions. Including the courts. His Muslim ban? Struck down as initially written. His attempt to meddle with the census? Currently rejected as done. He won on his side stepping the constitution by declaring an emergency for his wall funding. I personally can’t wait for Democrats to do the same when in power. Jesus fucking Christ, he’s blatantly asked foreign governments to interfere in our elections. But I suppose that doesn’t matter as long as he supports the unrestricted interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Well, except his bump stock ban. Does that make him guilty of trampling on, what to you seems to be, the only important part of the constitution?

HoosierinFL 08-15-2020 10:35 PM

Right because all those times democrats were president or controlled some part of the senate or house, they totally tried taking away rights and guns. Where do you get this nonsense that is repeated every time an election comes around. Oh don’t vote for the Dems they’ll take away all your rights. This time I mean it not like last time.

Chromeburn 08-15-2020 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165905)
If you love your constitutional rights don't vote for these two clowns, they will take them away. Just two fucking idiots that will destroy America. I am a gun owner and they won't take them away from me, as long as I am still alive.

Oh yeah, fuck CNN, the View and MSNCB.

I remember being at my buddy’s place and he was showing me his guns. There was a pamphlet on a table next to the rack and I picked it up. It talked about how fema was building camps to house gun owners and they were in the works to round up gun owners and take away all the guns. He told me all about it and how they were going to take everyone’s guns away. That was about 20 years ago or so. Sure is taking a long time to build those camps. Turns out the pamphlets were put out by one of the gun companies.

Seems every time there is a dem president this pops up. Gonna take away your guns. Suddenly gun sales skyrocket. Weird, almost like they are using fear mongering to manipulate people into buying more guns.

Oh yeah fuck Fox News, and fuck the view too.

Dam8610 08-16-2020 12:47 AM

I really hope the New York AG's efforts work, the NRA is dissolved, their funds have to go to real charities actually doing good work, and Wayne LaPierre is permanently barred from serving on any board. That should stop the second amendment nonsense for a while.

JAFF 08-16-2020 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165949)
Biden has stated he wants a limit on gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

I live in California who has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation, but it looks like the NRA won a court battle here.

They passed a law so you can only kill 10 people and then reload. How is that restricting your gun ownership?

There are more guns in this country than there are people. I really do believe there’s no way to get rid of them. This is what the NRA has done, ramping up false fear.

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