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Conversation Between albany ed and Colts And Orioles
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Colts And Orioles
    09-26-2021 05:27 PM
    Colts And Orioles
    I think so, too. And as a scary as an 0-3 record is after 3 games, I think that the Colts' season is still far from over. The only good thing that I can think of is that just the fact that Wentz managed to get out on the field today at all, then there is a very real possibility that he will be close to 100% again next week against the Dolphins.
  2. albany ed
    09-26-2021 05:21 PM
    albany ed
    I do believe if Wentz were healthy, we might have won that game. He had no lateral movement to buy more time in the pocket or roll out. A healthy Wentz could have done that. He shouldn't have played. Colts can lose without him just as easily as they did with him. My biggest fear, the team loses 12 games this year but Wentz takes more than 70% of the snaps and we give up a #1. If he's not able to move well, then don't start him.

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