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Conversation Between smitty46953 and Lawrence Owen
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Lawrence Owen
    03-14-2021 02:34 PM
    Lawrence Owen
    The bobblehead comment was true, and I find myself doing it all the time, which annoys me. I generally go live at 5pm when i do go live. Every Friday is guaranteed, but after that, it just depends on news, and/or if I have a guest or not. I do stuff with DPN ( a patriots channel with about 10k subs) also, and his followers come to my channel, and sometimes I have more pats fans, than Colts fans in my chat >.<.
  2. smitty46953
    03-12-2021 10:21 PM
    Enjoyed it Lawrence, no problem about Coltfreaks at all. What you said is true. Wish you would post here what time you go live enjoyed the chat room. I try to give you positive feedback in here when you post, trying help your numbers some. The Bobblehead comment was just in fun, no need to fix it.
  3. Lawrence Owen
    03-12-2021 07:27 PM
    Lawrence Owen
    Hey, thanks for joining the chat.
    And appreciate the 'bobblehead comment. I have a bad habit of doing that as guest's say stuff I agree with. I hope I can fix that soon.
    As For talking about ColtsFreaks, I was trying to explain that this place won't tolerate BS comments...but it came out wrong. I still told people to check it out, and that people here know their stuff.

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